"WULF?" Astrid said out of reflex when he saw the other's handsome face appeared on the virtual screen. Then, when he noticed the anxious look on his face, he added, "Is something the matter?" 

"I just watched that interview you did with that program," Wulfric started, most likely referring to [New Star]. 

That interview actually reminded him of that hostage taking incident Hildred had mentioned to him before. But it was swept off his mind because it happened on the day that he asked for Aster's forgiveness. Now that he was reminded of it again, he quickly made a short investigation about it. 

It happened on the day Aster and Reas arrived at the capital. It even involved the Grimaldis! He was just thankful that Cassius Grimaldi didn't do a thorough investigation regarding the twins' identities. This strengthened his will to put more security around the identity of the two.