AT the specialized military base on the planet of Alluna, the high ranking officials of Fenris Squad was having a meeting. It was to discuss issues regarding the planet as well as territories that were under their army's jurisdiction. 

Although their army didn't have a whole galaxy as a jurisdiction like the other four armies of the Empire, they were in charge of all the other place that didn't belong to that four galaxies. Which included unregistered planets, as well as abandoned ones. 

And since they were the only army that could roam around the Empire without worrying of the boundaries between galaxies, they were also eligible to intervene with any issues that might happen between those boundaries. As well as the on the fringes of the four galaxies. 

"There's a report of a suspected human trafficking ring happening at a planet in Tertius Galaxy," Leland said. "And it seems that General Lancaster has no idea about it, according to the report that is."