LELAND, on the other end of the line, was surprised to hear his brother's statement. Of course, he immediately knew who the other was talking about. A child who appeared every Summer in Alluna.

The child's name was 'Snow'. He was an ordinary child, not only in looks but also in personality. Leland wasn't saying that to undermine the child. It was simply what he had observed. 

He was quiet and very unassuming. Unlike Assil who was full of boundless energy. One would think that a child who lost his parents one after another would have a rather reserved personality. But, contrary to that, Assil was a lively child who always try his best to make everyone around him happy. 

Leland thought that it might be because his brother didn't really remember their parents that much. Their mother died after giving birth to him and then their father soon followed after. Truthfully speaking, it felt more like he raised the other.