EVEN when the video of the ad ended and the program that was supposed to air at that time appeared on the screen, silence continued to linger between the Townsends. Astrid was starting to think that his family didn't like the ad because of that. 

Was it not too their taste? Did it come across as crude instead of creative? But it looked fine to him. In fact, he liked the shots the director used. The continuity between shots felt like the whole ad was not divided into three themes. And yet, despite that, one could still feel the different vibes of the three. 

He thought it was a pretty good ad. Because it wasn't mentioned or shown in any shape or form that it was for a perfume product, it just increased the anticipation and appetite of the people watching. And since it's an ad for EMMA, they would immediately thinking that it had something to do with 'fashion'. They would then search for what this ad was all about, which in turn would increase its engagement.