Guild Test Part Seven

I truly felt bad. I used my internal energy thinking that since Ray was using magic he would be hard to hit. But the instant the match started he didn't even move and when I hit him with my sword he went flying. I think I even heard a cracking sound as well. But how was I supposed to know he was not going to dodge? By the time I hit it was already too late to pull back. 

"Rei!" I heard Able call out my name from behind me. I turned and looked at him and my eyes began to well up with tears. Able rushed over and pulled me into his embrace. His smell, his warmth, calmed me down. I am one of those people who do not mind beating up assholes but I do not like hurting people that are good. Ray was far from being someone who could be considered an asshole. "It will be fine the doctors will look at him." Able's voice was full of concern as he spoke.