Stopping For Supplies

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With everything set at the Maids Guild, Sam and I said goodbye to Fate, Liz and Beth before leaving with Able and Marsil. It was heartbreaking seeing the two little girls crying as we left. But myself and I am sure, Sam as well, is happy that they can have better lives with no fear of being treated as an object to be sold. 

With our side tasks out of the way, it was now time to head back to the Ronstine estate to get prepared for what was to come. For Able and I, we needed to have at least a second set of armor with us. Our swords were fine, but Able also wanted to bring a shield. We needed potions of many kinds. From healing to antidotes for poisons. There were even potions for internal energy recovery called stamina potions. The biggest thing was the mana potions which helped you recover your magic power as it became depleted.