Traveling To The Dungeon Part Three

From that moment on I was not allowed to cook anymore. But this was okay because Marsil and Able's cooking was top notch. We ventured through the woods for two days before finally reaching the other side and traveling along the main road that would take us to a small village at the base of the mountain. The only problem was what was standing before us.

"Leave all your valuables and the women and we can let you little lads go!" That's right in front of me at this very second, saying the most cliche lines for any evildoer, was a real life bandit. Ones I have only ever read about in novels, manga, and seen in anime or movies. The real deal, I mean they were even laughing away and tapping their swords on their shoulders while licking their lips. 

I sighed and leaned over and whispered to Able: "Is it just me or do they all seem to be asking to die?"