Zombies… Zombies… Zombies…

"Ew! Disgusting! Why are there so many!" I complained. I mean it was really nasty. I know I have dealt with some nasty things but this was just beyond any of that. The worst part is, that just like in the movies back on Earth if you get scratched or bit by these things, you will get infected and need to use a decurse spell to get rid of it. We are lucky that Marsil is so good at light magic. Which includes healing, dispel, and decurse, otherwise, we would already be walking around as zombies.

I know that these things are slow but it is when they come at you from all sides in a group that is an issue. And you can't kill them easily either. All your attacks have to be straight at their brains, which, along with the already horrid stench they give off, slicing into their brain and removing your sword is like opening a box that compressed and amplified the smell to its max. I almost lost my lunch many times.