The Enemy Of All Women!

When we entered the third floor I almost cried in joy when I saw a lush forest seemingly teeming with life. "Thank god!" 

"Yes, we can forage for food and hunt some animals. When we first entered this floor I did see some horned rabbits. And I am sure there must be a water source somewhere on this floor. " Able said, also letting out a sigh of relief. 

"Umm… I hate to burst you guys' bubbles, but what the hell is that!?" Marsil pointed between two trees. I looked over to see a silky like substance intricate woven into a huge set like structure. 

I guess now would be a good idea to explain one thing about myself. Besides being scared of scary things, like ghosts and zombies, there was one more thing I was utterly terrified of and more so than some nasty zombies. "What Rei! What are you doing!?"