Dishing Out Punishments Part Two

Jeremy looked at me who was standing next to Alissa and then turned his head to see a furrowed brow that formed on Able's face. "You! What are you doing here!? How did you switch places with my Rei!?"

"You idiot keep quiet for this King!" King Heartman, quickly walked forward and grabbed Jeremy by his collar, yanking him off Able. He bowed his head as he said: "I apologize for my stupid son!"

"Oh, little Heartman long time no see!" Ruth said with a laugh not giving the king any face at all. King Heartman's face twitched at the nickname Ruth called him but he did not dare say anything. 

"Ahh, yes… Madam Ronstine. I came at your summons." King Heartman politely bowed his head.