The Female Lead Shows Her Prowess Part One

The next morning Marsil, Sam, Able, myself, and also Alissa headed to the Adventurers Guild. We had to turn in our results of the dungeon and get Alissa registered. But there was one fact that was a bit off about this trip, mainly all the looks we were getting. I mean when you have a handsome man and two girls at his side you may get a few stares here and there but this was completely different. Mainly because I was the one in the middle. Alissa was hugging my left arm as usual and Able was holding my hand as we walked. The looks I was getting were far from those of envy, mainly hate and it came from both women and men! Is this what happens when you go down the path of being bisexual? Yes, I did come to terms with my new sexuality, at least a little bit.