Her Secrets Part Two

"Then I guess I will talk to mom first..." It was finally time for me to speak to Ruth about my ability to use black magic. Something the Holy Church of Seil would kill a person for being able to do. I hoped Ruth may be able to help me on what to do about this since my magic at that time responded to my thoughts without me even trying to cast anything. 

I didn't want to disturb Able about this, so I went to find Ruth on my own. Ruth as usual was sitting in a side room sipping on tea. I wondered what exactly it was that she did all day. Upon seeing me her face lit up. "Rei! Dear, come sit with me!"

 I smiled and walked in and sat in the chair across from her. She gave me a sly look as she asked: "Did you sleep well last night? I heard both Able and Alissa slept in your room last night."

"Somehow I was able to. But the situation was very awkward. Mom, I have something to discuss with you." I said, quickly changing the topic.