Strange Happenings All Around

[Check out my new novel: Reborn As A Dragon Girl With A System]

"Humph! I am your Master, so even if you call me the worst, you are stuck with me!" Master Felix crossed his arms across his chest and stuck his nose up in the air. To be honest, at this point, I just wanted to punch him. 

"Anyway, Master Felix, can you please leave my bedroom. Alissa isn't even properly dressed! She does not need a perverted old man gawking at her, and I also do not like others seeing my concubine in such a state!" I huffed. After I said this, I suddenly realized I had said something a bit embarrassing. But it was true; Alissa was my concubine, so no one was allowed to see her in such a state except maybe Able, who was my fiancee. But even but that is a given since we all are living together.