Top Tier Students

Well, I wanted to only use my sword for this fight, but this stupid spider seemed to have sensed something and was now continuously shooting balls of web at me. It had literally turned around and began firing at me like some kind of machine gun. Looking at the current situation, I guess I have no choice but to use magic… 

I waved my hand and created five fireballs, and fired them in secession straight at the spider. It quickly tried to dodge to the side, but unfortunately for it, I now have enough control over my own magic to direct the spell in any direction I wanted. Because of this, the situation between us had reversed. Instead of me having to run and dodge the spider's webbing, the spider had to try to run and dodge my fireballs. Unlucky for it, my spells were much faster than they could run. In no time at all, all five fireballs smashed into the spider.