Chapter 142 – Stupid reason.

Mitle slowly approached those monsters as he stepped on the dry grass and produced a loud noise that was immediately noticed by the closer monsters.

Mitle, realizing this, gulped and stopped walking. He looked at those approaching monsters and then smiled.

"I was sent here by Kime, it's a pleasure to meet you," Mitle said like he was meeting a normal person, but in front of him was just a disgusting monster that looked at him.

The monsters' eyes were riveted on him as if they were evaluating him up. Then the nearest monsters started to drool as they walked a little closer to him.

'I'm going to be eaten alive.' Mitle thought as he took a startled step back. The soldiers a few feet away looked worried but moved a little farther away so as not to be seen.

"Look girls, what a handsome man." One of the monsters said in a high-pitched voice that pierced Mitle's ear. It was a voice that bothered his ears.

"He's beautiful."

"Can I kiss him?"