Chapter 162 - Adventurers.

A few hours had passed since Lucio had stopped to rest. It was dawn by the time and he still hadn't slept.

He wouldn't feel safe sleeping here alone and he wasn't sleepy either. On his mind was just the goal of getting to the nearest town quickly.

"Come on? You're okay, aren't you?" Lucio approached the horse and put his hand to the horse's nose. 

After patting the horse's nose, the horse whinnied happily as he tapped his hooves on the ground.

'So let's go' It was currently about 3:00 in the morning, so he hurried to get to town today.

The only thing that made you impatient is... What to do after finding help? Even if he arrives in town quickly, until he returns with someone to the village it will take another day or two.

"I think I better not worry about it now, I'm sure Noah will hold out for a few more days." Lucio climbed onto his horse and then began to ride quickly towards Geirseyri.

And so almost half a day passed.