Chapter 188 – Three people flying through the sky.

Isabell activated her blessing again and increased her running speed. Looking at the stains on her body, she realized they had stopped increasing, the blessing was helping Isabell.

"Good," she said as she made a complicated expression. She was in a lot of pain from the stains that appeared on her body. Over time the pain increased even more than before.

It was like she had put a hot iron on her skin, it was excruciating.

Not just her, but all the people she saw were starting to scream in despair as the skin on their bodies became stained. Isabell gritted her teeth at this, she wanted to do something to help.

"Mother, is this only happening inside the capital?" Isabell asked and waited for her mother's response. Her mom responded right away.


[ Yes, this is only happening within the capital. If you manage to get out you will not suffer any more injuries. ]