Chapter 251 - Eat Her Whole Existence

Meduz had a pained expression on her face. Then her sword disappeared and she looked at Isabell.

As soon as Isabell received Meduz's gaze, she felt her whole body shaking, feeling the need to get out of there as quickly as possible.

'Damn it!' With her blessing activated, Isabell turned to run away.

"You're not going to run away from me, you're going to pay me for this. This is fucking hurting."

But Isabell only ran for a few meters before Meduz approached her already delivering a kick to her back. Isabell felt the impact on her back and then flew a few feet away.

She rolled on the ground on the plain before feeling her belly being stepped on by Meduz.

The force Meduz put on her foot was so great that Isabell felt her organs being dents inside her belly.

At the same time, she vomited the rest of the food she had in her stomach.