Chapter 319 - Dragon

The minotaur roared after seeing that Noah wanted to face him. Kicking the ground and cracking it, the minotaur appeared in front of Noah in just a second. It then threw a punch in Noah's direction.

A punch fast enough that Noah had a hard time keeping up without using his booster skill. Barely, Noah managed to lean to the side and avoid the punch. The pressure that the blow emitted cracked the ground.

"This thing is fucking strong, isn't it?" Noah smiled and then swung his sword toward the arm that the minotaur used to punch him. The blade crashed into his arm and opened a small cut.

"Just using my sword without magic won't do any good... Oops." The Minotaur swung its cut arm and tried to hit Noah, but he jumped away. Next, Noah embedded his sword with magic and activated his boosting ability.