Chapter 327 – Proposed Alliance.

After several more days of grueling travel, Noah finally saw the capital wall in the distance. He walked as he studied the wall structure, which was much taller than the other cities.

It was probably twice the size.

Along the road, some carriages were arriving, forming a long line in front of the gate. Not only carriages but also some adventurers were waiting to be able to enter the capital.

Noah got in line and waited for his turn to arrive. It took 40 minutes for his turn.

"Your ID." One of the guards asked when he saw Noah. He then handed over his license to the guard and was allowed in.

And when he walked in, Noah was surprised at what he found. Unlike the cities he had visited before, the street was all paved. The buildings around it were all tall and made of brick.

Unlike other cities where most buildings were built with wood.