Chapter 340 - A "New World"

After his strength reached its limit, Noah stepped forward, breaking the ground beneath his feet, appearing in front of the Orc. Before the monster could even react, Noah swung his sword.

With his sword wrapped in holy magic, the "cut of light" created ripped off the Orc's right arm. "GUAAR," It roared in pain. However, its arm had already started to regenerate, and Noah had to keep attacking.

And that he did.

Swinging his sword several times at high speed, "cuts of light" began to cut the Orc in various parts of its body. The Orc tried to use black magic to protect himself, but it was no use.

The holy magic was more powerful. All its protection was turned to nothing when touched by Noah's sword.

As its roars grew weaker and weaker, the Orc began to lose parts of its body faster than it could regenerate them. Its severed limbs spread dark magic all over the room, but Noah didn't care.

He couldn't be poisoned by it.