Chapter 343 - Last words.

Noah could no longer breathe. After he hit the ground, he lost all the air in his lungs. Not only this, but the pain he felt all over his body did not allow him to move.

Isabell ran to Noah quickly, holding his head and looking at his face. Noah looked up into Isabell's face and couldn't hear anything she was saying even though he could see the desperation on her face.

He tried to say something, but when he opened his mouth, some blood came out. Noah coughed, expelling a lot of blood, and felt his organs being punctured by his ribs. Noah couldn't move even if he tried.

It was impossible. Even his arms that didn't seem broken didn't have enough strength.

"Noah! Damn it!" Isabell said in desperation as she looked at Magn, who was approaching with slow steps. A sinister smile was on his face.

"Why is that boy's body so "hard"? That hurt a little." He said in a mocking tone.