End of the Event

On the 20th day of the Yellow Turban Catastrophe, Chu Tian was still ranked first place. After raiding the Yellow Turban general Zhang Kai, he did not go out to fight with the Yellow Turban soldiers. Even without exterminating more soldiers, he would still be high up in the ranking. That was the confidence one had when they surpassed the player in second place by 700 points.

Xia Village had suffered substantial losses in this event, however. Only 8 of the initial 20 cavalrymen that set off were left. If the battle continued, the small troop of light cavalrymen that he had painstakingly built would be obliterated.

The event was coming to an end. The Yellow Turban soldiers surrounding the village had almost been wiped out, the remaining ones no longer posing any threat to the village.

After his return, Chu Tian began to invest his efforts in building the Level 4 fish market.

The location of the Level 4 fish market was chosen by the Yi River, between Xia Village and Xiaozhu Village, which could accommodate a thousand traders at once. This was probably one of the very few Level 4 constructions in the current Eastern Han.

[Name]: Level 4 fish market

[Introduction]: The trading place of sea products, which can only be built within 10 kilometers of rivers or seas.

[Effects]: Contributes to tax revenues, enhances the speed of attracting refugees, enhances popular sentiment, enhances the influence of trading.

[Frontline constructions]: Level 2 shipyard or above, Level 2 wharf or above

[Construction essentials]: 1000 taels of silver, 1000 units of timber, 200 units of building stones

Chu Tian couldn't help but be moved by the potential effects that would be brought about by the Level 4 fish market. It was a pity that the fish market required frontline constructions like Level 2 shipyard and Level 2 wharf, so they were unable to be built for now. The building material was also 1000 units of timber, which was a little overboard in his opinion.

In order to celebrate the success of resolving the crisis, a campfire party was held in Xia Village on the last day of the Yellow Turban Catastrophe. The reserved wild boar meat and special-made rice wine were displayed, the entire village was rejoicing in the victory.

Chu Tian obtained a great deal of war profit while obliterating the Yellow Turban soldiers, so distributing some wild boar meat and rice wine did no harm.

Bullion alone comprised as many as 60 taels of gold, 550 taels of silver and more than a hundred thousand copper coins.

Equipment included a golden-level piece, 23 silver-level ones, and 527 bronze-level. It was a pity that there were only 10 warhorses left.

Golden-level equipment was equally rare during the early stages, making them extremely valuable.

[Name]: Martial Blade

[Quality]: Golden-level

[Effects]: Attack power +5, strength +2 when strength is lower than 70

[Comments]: Want a chop?

That was the weapon used by the Yellow Turban general, Zhang Kai. A kind of blade that could be maneuvered single-handedly, a strength-type weapon. Before he had a better option, Chu Tian could only equip himself with the martial blade.

Chu Tian's status had reached Level 3 Zanniao by killing Yellow Turban soldiers. Once he achieved Level 20 and above, he could officially own a division of land and be conferred the titles of count, duke, and king.

[Name]: Chu Tian

[Rank of nobility]: Level 3 Zanniao (20-grade system of nobility)

[Governmental post]: None

[Rank]: 20 [Experience]: 52/3000

[Command]: 29 [Strength]: 25+2 [Intellect]: 31 [Politics]: 33

[Equipment]: Martial blade, leather armor

[Skills]: Flame Gun Techniques (2/10), special-grade riding (2/10)

[Characteristics]: None

[Special arms]: None

Chu Tian realized that his equipment conflicted with the "Flame Gun Techniques" skill of his. He could not utilize gun techniques when he was equipped with a blade.

Forget it. Chu Tian took a look at his pathetic strength, which was equivalent to an elite soldier, and decided he wouldn't dwell on such details.

If free players knew that Chu Tian was squandering away valuables like that, they would certainly say it was a great waste.

People would purchase golden-level equipment even if they cost a few hundred taels of silver, yet Chu Tian was using them with heavy reluctance.

As for the only high-grade skill book "Superior Marksmanship" that he had obtained, Chu Tian gifted it to his subordinate, Hua Mulan.

High-grade archery did not serve great benefits in his own hands for now, whereas Hua Mulan could blow every shot after she acquired those skills.

"Master, are you really giving away such a valuable skill book to me?"

"It'll provide more value if you learn it."

Hua Mulan took over the high-grade skill book. Her level of loyalty immediately became 90 points, and her level of favor increased to 57 points.

Loyalty and level of favor were two distinct concepts. One represented standpoint, the other rapport. A commander could be loyal to a party but could also detest certain colleagues or even the master.

"Our Xiaozhu Village has also rendered our service in this event. Don't we get extra rewards too?"

Xia Tianliang had brought the heroes and elders of Xiaozhu Village to the party of Xia Village. When she saw Chu Tian generously gifting a high-grade skill book to his subordinate, she couldn't help but tease him.

"You want rewards too? This skill book will be yours, then."

Chu Tian handed a skill book to Xia Tianliang, who was sitting by his side.

Xia Tianliang accepted the skill book, glancing at the cover. It turned out to be a low-grade life skill book.

[Title]: Postpartum Management of Sows

[Quality]: Low-grade life skill

[Effects]: The probability of sows in the hoggery contracting diseases after delivery -5%

Xia Tianliang was speechless, but still she accepted the skill book. She commented, "It'll be useful when Xiaozhu Village has its own hoggeries in the future, or I could sell it in exchange for a few taels of silver."

"What is the score ranking of Xiaozhu Village in Xu Prefecture?"

"We couldn't get into the ranking of Xu Prefecture, but Xiaozhu Village is ranked 72th in the ranking of Langya Nation. We have rewards too."

This time around, the event was separated into three rankings: national, prefectural, and district. Players from all three rankings would be receiving rewards. If a player had his name on all three rankings at once, he would receive the most abundant rewards.

In other words, Chu Tian would only receive rewards for being number one in the Eastern Han but wouldn't receive the first-place rewards for Xu Prefecture and Langya Nation. However, the first-place rewards for the Eastern Han were definitely better than the rest.

Xiaozhu Village was advancing in the direction of a commercial town, their military forces consisting of local soldiers only. Hence, it ranked 72th in Langya Nation, but couldn't make it into the ranking of Xu Prefecture.

Chu Tian couldn't do anything even if he wanted to help. The rankings only calculated the number of Yellow Turban soldiers killed by the feudal lords and their subordinates.

Xia Tianliang continued to tease Chu Tian, her cheeks hot from the diluted rice wine of Xia Village. "Big celebrity, how do you plan to develop in the future?"

"How else can I develop? I'll be upgrading the Level 3 village to a Level 1 town, and I would have my affiliated territories by then, which would enable me to conquer the villages of other feudal lords."

"Want to merge with Xiaozhu Village? But you have to pay a price that satisfies me, "Xia Tianliang warned, taking the initiative and proposing a merger.

She must not have expected another player to build a village less than 5 kilometers away from hers when she was building hers.

The distance between the two villages was way too close. Perhaps if they were both at the stage of being villages, there would be no conflict between the two. However, once both of them turned into towns, they would be right next to each other. In other words, one of them would surely merge with the other. It depended on who had a greater capacity.

"Let's talk about it after it gets upgraded to a town."

Chu Tian watched the willowing bonfire and the villagers of two villagers, everyone dancing and singing merrily. It was a great temptation for Chu Tian to merge with Xiaozhu Village without shedding any blood. Xiaozhu Village had invested almost all of its resources in economical buildings, so merging with Xiaozhu Village meant Xia Village would receive a handsome income every month, which could relieve the tension from the situation of the soldiers' pay that Xia Village was having.

"Ding! The event in the Eastern Han, 'Trails of the Yellow Turban' has ended, rewards are being calculated!"

"Ding! The event in the Dongying region, 'Kaga Rebellion' has ended, rewards are being calculated!"

"Ding! The event in the Persian region, 'The Ancient Babylonian Relic' has ended, rewards are being calculated!"

"Ding! The event in the Vatican region, 'Crusades' has ended, rewards are being calculated!"
