Chapter 1

It was cold, but his eyes were colder than ice that I had never imagined. He was gentle before, caring, and the most endearing man I had ever known, but in just a blinked of an eye, he changed. I couldn't help myself, but to cry because of the sudden pain I felt on my chest.

My heart was pounding so hard and I didn't know how long could I bear the feeling.

"What's wrong?" I asked him softly. He was clenching his fist, eyes were as sharp as sword.

"Let's just break up."

One short sentence and were over.

I started to feel numb. Saying those words were really easy for him. It's written all over his face. His expressions said it all. But it was nothing, but like a stab on my chest until I couldn't breath.

Surprised, I tried to reach his hands and asked, "Why? What's... what's the matter, Rygel? Why all of a sudden? I can't understand. What do you mean?"

It was clear to my ears yet my head didn't want to process it.

"I want a break up, Eris," he repeated and kept his hands away from mine. "Do you hear me? I want a break up!"

Fvck! With my teary eyes and hoarse voice, I managed to speak again.

"Rygel, why? I really can't understand. What did I do wrong? Tell me, please..." I begged, but it seemed like it was really too late.

He slowly shook his head. There was no love in his eyes. All I could see was anger and his persistence to get rid of me.

I sobbed. Looking at me with his eyes with nothing, but a firm gaze showing that it was what he wanted, tears just didn't stop.

"Why?" My voice was really broke. "Is it because of your job? You know what? I understand you. Being a soldier is—"

"I just don't love you anymore."

I felt like I lost my sanity when those words hit my ears. My body shivered as my chest kept on pounding. I clenched my fist, making my knuckles turned white as I looked at him.

"If you would just hurt me this way, I should've not trust you from the very beginning, you scumbag! I hate you!" I shouted at his face, releasing all the disappointments and pain he caused me.

It was a drizzly night when he broke up with me without any reason right after he treated me on a dinner, leaving me on knees at the pavement almost dying in pain. How could he just throw that five years without giving me a damn good and acceptable reason? That's bullshit and it fucks me over!

I finally stood up after I lost the sight of him. He left me, literally. I smiled bitterly, thinking how much I looked stupid right now as I hugged myself and walked under the pouring rain. I had been into several break ups, I should be used to this, shouldn't I?

After being so lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice the approaching footsteps coming from all direction. I instantly started to panic. There were three men in total. They were dressed in suits, strapped with knives around their leather pants, and almost looked like as if they were on a mission of some kind. The one on the right of me was dramatically shorter than his accomplices while the other guys were both tall, bulky, and rugged. The guy in the middle was the only one holding a gun, an ICS CXP MARS PDW9 to be exact, who looked slightly angelic with his quite long, midnight black hair and sharp eyes.

I suddenly came back to my senses when I realized that they were really after me.

"Here she is."

"She's prettier in person, right?"

"Wait. Did she cry? Look at her face."

"Um. A little bloated, but still she's fine."

I was a little scared, but I could still remain calm. "What are you guys going to do to me?" Slowly stepping backwards, I managed to ask. They didn't say a word not until the guy in the middle instructed the other two to get a hold both of my arms.

"Just come with us, gorgeous."

"And keep quite."

Before I could be able to shout for help, the guy who seemed to be their boss threatened me.

"Say a word and you'll die," he said, giving me a death glare that made me shut my mouth.

I gulped as his voice frightened me. I even jumped a little when I heard his gun clanked.

"Please don't hurt me..." I stuttered, simply looking around, but there was no one I could possibly ask for help.

The shortest guy held my head, then run his fingers through my hair. He said, "Behave and you'll not get hurt."

Thereafter, a black van suddenly appeared. They immediately slid the door open, and there I saw several guys inside.

"Boss Thalem!" a guy inside the van shouted. He was probably talking to the man who's bossing around. "She's indeed a pretty lady."

"Oh. I wonder what boss will do to her."

The conversation went down the moment they heard an order. "Get her in!"

I was cloaked in confusion and in fear as they dragged me inside the van which drove away immediately. I wouldn't dare to say a word again because I knew if I did, either a stab of knife or a bullet would kill me.

I secretly took a glance to the man on my right side which I had come to know as Thalem. Although the only light inside was coming from the small monitor near the steering wheel, I could barely see his face. He seemed upset as he was sitting beside me inside the van. His right hand on his creased forehead while his left held a gun on his lap.

"Why are you looking at me?" My eyes widened right of the bat. I instantly looked away after he caught me looking at him. It gave me chills and fear.

I swallowed hard for I didn't know how would I answer him.

"I am not anyone for you to drool over."