Chapter 1

I recommend listening to 'nobody compares to you', for this one.


Anikaaaaaa!, where are my pearl earrings" , I yelled down stairs. Today's Eid.

For people who don't know what Eid is, it's a day of well deserved celebration for all Muslims for successfully completing the month of Ramadan in which all Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset.

As every year we were getting ready to go visit my mom's mom's house, technically my grandmother's house for that annual traditional dinner party.

I was wearing a traditional white kurti (a shirt slightly longer to reach your knees) with like a plain dark Blu scarf which covered my chest. I looked radiant though it was simple. Anika entered in our room.

"How do I look", I questioned. "Real cute", she said with a smile.

Awww. I can't believe she is gonna get engaged next week. I don't want to share my sister.

Well if Ali bhai saw you like that, he would want to marry you right then and there , I teased. Hahahahaha, she said sarcasticly, hiding an involuntary blush. She gave me the OK. U. Wanna. Play.

"And well if zayn were here, he would have been impressed too", she said with a devilish wink.

My breath stopped for a hot minute "What the filafil, how on earth do you know", I asked realizing my deepest secret was out. I felt like when mantis exposed quill and drax made a point of good humor, # guardians of the galaxy.

"Well, I am ur sister, Alisha, I know stuff", she bragged giving me a hug. She tapped my nose with her index finger and smirked." Does mom know", I said being not to control myself anymore. "I don't think so", she replied." Ughhh, this is soo awkward", I frustrated.

"It's okay, it's just a crush, everyone has them, I told u too when Ali asked me out, didn't I, huh? So don't be embarrassed, anyway who blames u, people think u guys r like betrothed or something, he is so cute after all" ,she said .

Me bethroed, and to him out of all the boys in the world, whaaatt.

But if you think about it, ughh nope, nada, never.

" excuse me why!!??? ", I pouted.

"Cause when u guys were little like till 12 u used to be best friends and go to school together",she said. I wasn't satisfied with the information. "Stop stressing about it", she said cupping my face. "They'd be here in 5 days for ur engagement and I just found about a rumor of us being bethroed and anyway I had been freaking out about this since last month", I stated.

"But tell me, still what is it going to be? ", she waited with eager eyes.

She just had to.

I replied, "maybe it's gonna be that I laugh at my past self or maybe it would be a big fat nobody compares to u". She smiled.

"I expected an always", though she said smiling from ear to ear. I rolled my eyes at her. I just couldn't do something about it,about the time I wouls start stuttering.

"Alishaaa, he is coming whether u like it or not, so stop freaking out, u have to face this one day anyway …", she said being all elder sisterly and giving me a assuring smile.

'and who knows maybe u guys can work things out in the mean time', she said with a mischeavious grin.

I threw a pillow at her and she semi yelled an 'ouch' .

I know. But it doesn't mean I am ready to deal with it. I have been pushing this aside for many years. Too long, I guess. This does not mean that I want anika to know how serious and confused I am. We are close, very close but this is a topic she doesn't know a lot about. She doesn't know how exactly nervous I get.

" U know, what we should cancel ur engagement, then he won't come, I said teasingly. She laughed with her cheeks tinted.

"Selfish!" , she stated. She then pinched my right cheek and put on the earrings I wanted.

"Perfect", she said.

I am so lucky to have a sister like her.

Then we headed down the stairs, where my brother was sitting, staring into space. Huh. He never does that..i gave anika a questioning look and she said to watch with the flick of her eye.

" Oooh, someone is lost, (she put her hand around his shoulder and he gave her an asetminded face), got a girl in mind already haven't we", she joked. And that instant ayans face turned beet red. I laughed.

"anika, oh dear behen(sister) , I will let u know, when I do".

Ayan is 20 and the middle one, anika is 23 and I am 19.

Though there is still a solid 4 years for Ayan to telk us about the people he likes. We seated ourselves in the car. "Anika, why didn't u wear the bangles Sanober gave u", mom asked. "Mom I don't want to look too over, the dress is enough, she said. Mom nodded. "Or maybe it's because she wore the ones Ali bhai gave her", Ayan muttered. He earned the most deadly death glare, and I chuckled, a small smile on mom's who exchanged a glance with dad who had an eyebrow raised." Ready to leave", dad asked. And with that we started our journey after saying bissmilla and reciting the dua for travel.

We reached our destination . " Ayan, u and father go on, I have some business to talk to the girls".


They stepped out of the car. Shit did she hear our conversation. Plz no.NO. I started jumping on conclusions but soon we were left alone and mom broke the haunting silence.

"Anika, u know u still aren't engaged to Ali , and he is still not mehram after that , and anyway ur getting engaged next week so I'd like u to remain a distance, at least till the engagement. And u, Alisha keep an eye on her", she winked.

These desi people. Anika and Ali bhai had been friends since the day they learnt the word friendship. The duo was always free entertainment for me and my bff. We used to ship them all the time. And then the confessions happened. And now all Ali bhai does is stare and smirk at his lady love and she blushes. I seriously doubt I can ne this formal to a friend even though in love let alone a best friend.

" Yeah mom, I get it", anika replied all innocently. With that we headed out the doors .

As we were walking, anika whispered in my ear,...…..


