Chapter 4

Mom had a bad headache, today so she went to bed right away. As for us, kids, abeer went with anika and me, and zayn with ayaan. We took turns changing.

After a long hot shower we got comfortable in bed and then the smirks and questions fire at me.

'So', abeer said.

'So", I repeated, teasingly. I knew what she was asking. I just wanted to make them pain.

Or well maybe I was afraid to give the true answer.

' Would u just tell or what', she groaned in frustration. I smiled. I pulled out my phone and played the recorder I had on the whole time. It had the whole conv. It played and they listened.

When it was finished, they both awed at my face.

"What', I asked with an uncontrolled smile. 'I can't believe, he asked if u were taken' , abeer said swooning.' If a guy does that, he really is on something, u know' , abeer added.' Oh God it's really that serious' , anika added, with a concerned face. It was like she wasn't happy. 'Anika it's nothing, just a crush' , I said assuring ly. 'On ur side it is, and anyway it was a crush when u guys were eleven, his tone, is like he is in love with you or something' , she said. 'Maybe, ur right' , I said. 'I mean yeah, ur not 11 anymore, ur 17 and he is well like 19' , abeer pointed out. Anika had a really worried look. Something is bugging her and she is not liking it. After a few secs, of observing her I asked, 'Is everything okay, anika, you seem stressed' . She smiled, and said,' just don't get ur heart broken, okay, promise, me' . Aww, I literally had tears in my eyes. 'I promise' ,I said. So I am guessing it's a nobody, compares to you, abeer asked, all excited. Well, when I first looked at him, my breath hitched, my heart took a leap, I felt love in the air and every memory of our childhood, friend ship, everything it came back to me,….. So yeah it's a nobody compares to you,I said.

Yayyy, she cheered. We talked and then talked and then talked even more, to the point where we were exceptionally hungry. So I went downstairs quietly to sneak in some ice-cream. And there the boys were playing Xbox. My gaze drifted to a very handsome boy.

He had a grey sweat shirt on, with his adiddas and was sitting cross legged. His hair was ruffled on the top of his head with loose bangs falling on his forehead. God he has one perfect jawline and those cheekbones and that adorable nose..... Ugh I should stop before I start melting like ice cream on the staircase.

My eyes just couldn't move from his face. Realizing that I needed to cover up, I just grabbed a shawl from the room draping it across my chest . Climbing down the stairs, my heart was beating too fast. They noticed me as I walked beside the couch to the fridge door. I grabbed my ice-cream and ayaan was like sit here.


I opened one of the containers and started eating. "u see zayn here, he told me u got a he freind ",he said. I stared in complete disbelief. How dare you.

How dare you zayn.

U are so dead.

"well tell me his name, cause I feel like beating someone up",he said.

'Shut up, ayaan, he is just a freaking friend or like I said an aqquintance, (I gave zayn a death glare),and if you feel like beating someone up, then consider this idiotic fool as ur perfect victim' , I said and left, his eyes on me causing a burning sensation . As I reached my floors corridor, I heard ayaan breaking into a laugh. Dude, I think she got, mad, zayn's weak voice, came.' And that's the best thing in the world' , ayaan said laughing evermore. Ughhh.

I stormed in the room, 'who does he thinks he is, huh' ,. 'Yeah, you idiots, you r the most stupid people in the world' , I yelled. 'What happened' , anika asked. I narrated them the whole thing. They couldn't stop laughing.' Stop it guys' ,I yelled. 'I mean, there is an another angle to this, u know' , anika said. Like what he wanted to be murdered' , I asked. 'Like he wanted to know ur he friend 's name so he could beat him up for real,….or just hunt down him and observe his competition', abeer said. Or it was just a real stupid, prank, I said. We fell asleep judging everything that had happened to the last strand.




**ps if you guys are way to curious about what's gonna happen next, you can visit my Wattpad account @180230_hayat for more chapters and juicy updates .

Until next time, amigos