Moving In_CH5

Quillion's P.O.V

Last week was like a dream, I was having coffee with the guys in the other side of the world. We had just finished punching out the air out of this guy from our school. After every fight, we sit down at a café and have some of our preferred drinks.

I am completely aware what all the eyes around think of me, a monster, a bully. They feared us enough and that secluded us from everyone in school. I preferred it that way, the less people, the better. Of course, we could care less what others thought of us as long as our conscience was clear. The guy we had beaten up; he was peaking at the girls changing room, D had caught him in action. We aren't heroes and I don't like that kind of attention; thus I never explain my actions. My life was messy as it already was, my tattoo was proof of it.

Getting home from our café visit, my father declared that we were moving to a new city. I didn't ask, just nodded and went to my room. I let the gang know, D wasn't happy about it, Jammer wanted to move with me, and Alex was just Alex.

I had few belongings, so packing didn't take long. A few hoodies, two shirts, a few jeans, and a few other things. My case was the most important of my belongings, not my clothes nor my expensive shoes. The key was always around my neck, not a soul knew what was in it expect me. Whoever would dare try find out, would have to pay their life with it. It's a secret to take to the grave.

So today is the first day at CarKadia Hills, I observed it on my way into the city. I have keen eyes for everything and C.H. is not too large of a city. There was greenery in every 3 meters walk, a central park, a few dark alleys and a good amount of various shops. There were places I might enjoy and places I'd rather stay away from. The plan is to explore, once school got over; entering the halls, all eyes were on me. This is exactly why I hated the idea of changing places but that was the deal.

My father and I have a deal between us, He stays away from my business as long as I don't interrupt his and that includes this move. I find myself lost looking for the principal's office when I bump into this girl.

"Sorry" I say monotonous.

She takes a glance and gives me a light smile like she was - embarrassed.

"It's okay. Oh, Take a left at the end of the corridor, on your second right. The principal's office," she screams as she rushes into the crowd to her classes direction, maybe.

I wonder how she knew. That was a first of someone being able to read me. Not wasting anymore time in this crowded hallway, I head to the principal's.

The door said Principal's Office so I knock on the door.

"Come in!"

I walk in and see the principal engrossed in his documents, so I clear my throat. Have a seat he says before looking up.

"Oh! You must be Quillion. I already had a chat with your father, hope you found your way here okay," he exclaimed in such a jolly way that I almost felt bad for him. Little did he know I was trouble.

"Thank you, sir," the only words I thought would be enough to shut him up and give me my schedule for my last academic year here.

I did in fact got on his nerve with my 'attitude', I hate introductions. He grabbed my schedule from his first cabinet drawer. I practically had to grab it from his hands because he was annoying slow.

"I will ask your home room teacher to take you to your class," the principal says as he picks up his land phone and punches a few numbers. With a knock at the door, a lady walks in with annoying loud high heels and a disgustingly bright yellow top. She has these old grandma glasses on, didn't scare me a bit, but I think I might be giving her goose bumps with my unapproving look.

"This is Ms. Matilda Mathews, she is your home teacher for the year. This is Quillion."

"You can call me Ms. M. Lets head to class then."

I follow her as she walks out back to the same hallway.

She walks into a class labelled 12-OA, the classroom was in commotion, it was so fucking loud, I could just ditch class.

As soon as I stepped in, there was a deafening silence, the kind that I hate the most because all eyes were on me. Girls with their googling up and down, sneaking pictures while guys annoyed with how the girls are reacting.

Ms M. asked me to introduce myself.


I looked across the classroom, to notice the only person in the room not looking at me. It was the girl from earlier.

"You can take a seat next to Anah. She is one of our top students, I'm sure she will help you if you need anything. Right Anah?"

"Anah. Anah."

I look at her looking intently looking outside, I pull out the chair and take a seat, that's when she answers. I look out to where her eyes were a few seconds ago but it was a plain field. Hmm I see, my entrance might have disturbed her peace. There is serenity in that field and surprisingly the clouds are cooperating today.

"Yes Ms. M?" she exclaimed, coming out her trance a little too startled.

"I hope you can guide Quellion and help him around everything."

Ugh again with the wrong pronunciation.

"Its Quillion, not Quellion,"I mutter to myself.

Today is going to be a very long day.