Chapter 33

Ever since Angela tried to kill me, I've been on alert every time I got a new visitor. Even after being moved to a completely different hospital. I don't know how long it's been, but my room has been pretty hectic. The doctors are different, excluding Kathryn. I'm sure she hates this as much as I do. I'm not complaining, because if I do wake up she's going to be the only one I trust.

Other doctors and nurses have been coming in multiple hours of the day. I do remember the sun going down once, so I can say I've been here for quite some time. It's a constant pattern of changing my bedsheets, checking my ventilator, and even opening the windows. I don't see the point in that when the air is cleaner inside than outside.

"Of course, doctor. After you're finished, just call for one of us."

"I won't take too long. Just some muscle reflex exercises."

Everything was silent as the doctor made her way over to my bed. Muscle exercises my behind. Everyone knows that a person can't voluntarily move while in the vegetative state. Let alone make coherent thoughts for themselves to understand. My concentration level was dwindling and I wasn't going to pay attention to anything she was saying. Not like I really wanted to.

My attention focused on the TV not far from my bed. I could see myself. I couldn't tell how bad I looked, but I was hoping for a fast and full recovery. Laying here everyday with nothing to do was taking a toll on my brain cells. It's not like I had many to start with anyway. Ugh! I always thought being a coma patient was fun. Constant living nightmares and boredom wasn't what I called fun.

I heaved an internal sigh and stared at the wall. I really want to get out of here. Maybe run off to some faraway place alone. No one to bother me. No one to complain to me. No problems being shoved in my face. How was life outside of this hospital? Were people concerned for my health? I don't remember any of my family coming to visit me. How long have I been out?

No thoughts seemed to keep me convinced I was going to be fine. I've bypassed death twice. No one ever gets a chance like that. Not unless the universe was telling them something. Even as the doctor rambled on about what was happening around me, I couldn't seem to shake the feeling I wouldn't want to wake up anytime soon.


All was quiet as I turned my head to look at the window. There was a bird on the sill, chirping like its life depended on it. It was good to be back in the land of the living. Having to constantly live in fear of my life was a nightmare no one could possibly survive. Right now I could really use another shower. Ooh, coffee sounded nice right now. An entire buffet. I ate not too long ago, but it felt like forever.

As I racked my brain for how much I had remembered and what I could have possibly forgotten already, the door opened. I made a show of popping my neck and back. Kathryn's annoyed groan filled the room. I smiled and faced her. She looked as radiant as ever. Probably looking better than I ever will the longer I stay in this hospital.

"How long are you going to wake up like the living dead?" she complained.

"As long as I know it annoys the hell out of you." I smiled.

Kathryn shot me a look and proceeded to check the machines on the other side of my bed. I watched in silence. Questions of my relationship with Luca floated around in my head. How was he anyway? How were the kids? Or kid? However many I have.

"Dr. Tate should be here in a few minutes. Why don't you just be a good patient and stay in bed today?" Kathryn shot me a glare. "I'm not getting anything for you. Just...go back to sleep after she's finished with you. Maybe even turn on the TV. Your physical therapy starts up again tomorrow."

"Physical therapy?" I exclaimed. "Do I look like a handicap to you?"

She only rolled her eyes and headed for the door. I ripped the IV from my arm. The tape holding it down let out a disturbing tearing noise. Kathryn's body twisted around before she ran over to me like I was going to die.

"Lexi!" she screeched. "What the hell is wrong with you? I swear you're asking to die again. You can't just take that out."

"What? It was irritating me."

"You're irritating me. Keep still or you'll really die."

Oh? I guess that was one way to get me to stop. Being killed by Kathryn was the last thing I wanted to happen to me. I'd rather die a peaceful or natural death.

"I'll be back with the doctor. Don't you dare take the IV out again." With that, Kathryn left the room. I crossed my arms and began thinking of any way to get where I wanted to go. This room was too stuffy and I couldn't stand being stationary any longer.

The moment I swung my legs out of bed was the moment the door opened again. I didn't have time to pretend I was asleep, so I just stopped what I was doing. If it was Kat, she never said I couldn't move. If it was just the doctor, I didn't give two ships what she thought of me moving so soon again.




"How long have you been awake?" he asked like he was really interested.

"...I don't know," I muttered. "Dr. Shane told me I wouldn't be getting any visitors today. Did you sneak in or something?"



Asher chuckled and scratched at the stubble on his chin. "I mean...they know I'm here, but they don't know I'm with you right now."


I don't believe him. I know a lot about Asher, and sneaking into a patient's room wasn't something he'd do. Not unless I've been unconscious for longer than I thought.

"How've you been?" he asked.

"Good. Partially imbalanced, but doing pretty good."


We sat in a comfortable silence. Asher seemed a bit tense. Like there was something bothering him, and he was struggling to keep it to himself. I could see his hands clench as he tried to stop himself from touching me. I did him a little favor and grabbed his hands, holding them to my chest. Asher jumped.

"Do you feel that?" I asked.

"Your heartbeat?" He looked deeply confused.

I rolled my eyes. "I swear you're such an idiot sometimes. Our love for each other has never really faded. I'm here if you want me to be here."

"How can I have you when Luca is practically telling the city he owns you?" he argued. "It's been hard, Lexi. Like...really hard."

"Asher, no one owns me. I'm my own person."

"Merde...I love you so much it hurts."

I was going to kiss him, but something stopped me. Not only was he possibly lying to me, but he'd told Angela not too long ago that he loved her. How was I supposed to believe he loved me? I left him alone many times before, he still can't love me. Sometimes people are liars when they want to get their way.

"I have a question." I dropped Asher's hands and backed away from him. "Do you really love me? You told Angela you loved her. She tried to kill me!"

"What!" Asher looked truly bewildered by my accusations. It was the truth! "What are you talking about?"

"I got transferred here, because Angela tried to kill me. She cut off my oxygen. I almost died, Asher. You told her you loved her before she made that decision."

"You've got it all wrong, Lexi. I never once came here with Angela. She and I haven't seen each other for like two weeks already. I would never tell her I still loved her. You went into cardiac arrest because you stopped breathing and the ventilator wasn't working."

"Liar!" I screamed. "Get out! You're lying to me. You don't love me."

"...They told me this would happen," he muttered. "I'll go, but I will be back, Lexi. I'll make sure you know everything that's been happening around you."

I awoke with a start, the heart monitor beeping wildly. The early sunlight slashed harshly through the shades. Everything blurred together as I struggled to get into a sitting position. My chest hurt. I felt like I was going to vomit and have a heart attack at the same time. Ripping the IV from my arm, I rushed to the bathroom and dry heaved into the toilet.

A nurse suddenly appeared by my side. His hand found my back, rubbing it in comforting circles. "Hey, hey, hey," he cooed. "It's okay. You're going to be alright." His soothing voice had me in tears.

"Asher!" I wailed. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so--"

"I'm not Asher, Mrs. Thompson. I'm Nurse Ronan. Can you tell me your name?"

"I'm sorry..."

"Shh. You don't have to be sorry for anything. Do you remember your name?"

Name? I can't think straight. What is my name? Why am I in the bathroom? Why does it smell so sterile?

"I don't-I don't know," I wailed.

"That's okay. Perfectly fine. What's the last thing you remember?" he asked softly.

"Ph-physical th-therapy." I dry heave again.

The next thing I know, I'm in the bed again. My body convulsed, but I couldn't feel any pain. I heard my screams, but they were muffled. The doctors crowding around me was the last thing I saw before someone stuck a needle in my arm. I went limp and my world was silent.