Chapter 44

"Okay. Fine." Kathryn sighed and got out of the car. "But we're never taking her side again. It's one thing to be her doctor and another to pretend to be her friend."

"You're not pretending. You seemed so sure that you and Lexi were best friends not too long ago," I said.

"Seemed? Gosh, Cam, you're really being difficult."

"I'm being difficult? KitKat, you're literally refusing to leave the car. It's not like any of the reporters are worried about it. We're just citizens of Palm Springs."

"Whatever. Let's just get it over with."

Kathryn took my hand and we hurried up the courthouse steps. Cameras flashed and reporters threw questions our way like we were actually famous. The media doesn't play around anymore. Everyone is worth their time today. It's not like we know anything we shouldn't. Scratch that. We do know things we shouldn't.

When we entered the courtroom, Asher was already sitting in the back. He was staring at the back of Luca's head like he could burn him. We sat on either side of him and stared, too. Luca scratched the back of his head like he could actually feel our eyes. I finally took a good look at him and noticed his hair color.

"What the hell..." Kathryn muttered. "He changed his hair color? Ew."

"Exactly what I was thinking." I cleared my throat.

"Very irrelevant to what's about to happen." Asher looked at us in turn. "Shut up. They're about to start."

The bailiff stepped forward. "All rise." The courtroom was silent as everyone stood. The judge walked in. I expected the same one from before, but I know Luca had something to do with what happened last time. "This court is now in session. The Honorable Judge Gregory McIntosh presiding. You may be seated."

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Calling the case of Lexi Daniels v. Luca Thompson. Are both sides ready?"

"Ready on behalf of Ms. Daniels, Your Honor."

"Ready on behalf of Mr. Thompson, Your Honor."

"Will the clerk please swear in the jury?"

"Will the jury please stand and raise your right hand?" The clerk waited as the people stood and calmed down. Why did they need a jury for this case anyway? "Do each of you swear that you will fairly try the case before this court, and that you will return a true verdict according to the evidence and the instructions of the court, so help you, God? Please say "I do"."

"I do."

"You may be seated."


1 year of prison and 2 years of probation?! What kind of sentence is that? He beat the woman, cheated on her, obstructed justice, and tried to make Lexi into a mental case! He should have at least life, plus 2 years, and a fine of at least $1,000. He's getting away with more than what a murderer goes to jail for. Why is life so unfair?!

Kathryn's check-up was shorter than expected. There was an ultrasound and a conversation about keeping Kathryn away from anything stressful. If the doctor knew anything about what I do, then he'd ask me to quit it. Of course I won't listen, but it would be worth a try to ask.

I would have thought the verdict for Lexi and Luca's case would have made me antsy, but the news I received at returning home from dinner had me on my toes. I refused to tell Kat anything in fear of stressing her out. It had me pacing on the back porch in thought for nearly thirty minutes. I couldn't think of anything else. What if something bad had happened to Sean?

"Oh, Headmaster Yang!" I exclaimed. "It's nice to hear from you again."

"Monsieur Nguyen, you seem happy tonight," he pointed out.

"I am. My wife and I just got back from dinner. Is there anything you need?"

"I don't know how to say this, so I'm just gonna say it. Not too long ago, five planes crashed upon entering the United States. I don't know the whereabouts of said crashes, but your son was on the second. Sir, I don't want to alarm you or your wife, but I'm more than sure he's still alive. We haven't heard from him since the news."

"'re telling me that if you're wrong, and my son isn't alive, then he's most likely buried under the rubble of a plane? Or possibly just a pile of ashes and bone?"

"Monsieur Nguyen, I'm not--"

"Or that if you're right, and my son is very alive, then he has most likely been kidnapped or just wandering around?"

I watched as our maid bobbed her head to the music she was listening to. I'm glad she wasn't hearing this. Hopefully, Kathryn is taking a shower right now. I don't want her to hear anything about Sean possibly being dead or missing. This is bad. Really bad. I can't just dump something like this on her. She's only a month pregnant. Anything could go wrong.

"Stay calm for this, Monsieur Nguyen. I have too many panicked teachers here. There were other students on the planes and the police have said they're all alive. I'm telling you that since we haven't heard about the plane your son was on, he could possibly be alive. I'm not making any promises, but we're going to try to find him."

"It's not me I'm completely worried about, Yang. Kathryn will freak out and you know this type of stress isn't good for women like her."

"Look, if you don't hear anything from me in the next hour or two, call the police. Get a hold of whoever can help you find your son."

This is terrible. Worse than I could ever imagine. Telling Kathryn was what I needed to do, but I can't bring myself to do it. Kathryn was downstairs with the maid. I didn't know what they were talking about and I didn't care to know. This was eating me up, and in three minutes it would be an hour. I have to tell Kat before I call in. I have to.

Not even a minute after nine did Kathryn enter the room with a smile on her face. She was looking at her phone like it was a piece of candy. I had to ruin this moment? Why me? Why didn't I just go to her the moment I found out? I hate ruining her happiness. Makes me feel bad.

"Kat, honey," I started. "I have something to tell you."

"What, baby?" She got into bed and pushed herself into my arms.

"You're making this harder for me to tell you," I whined. "I just don't beat me up for it. Please..."

"Huh?" Kathryn finally got a good look at my face and sat up. "What's wrong? What happened? Is it about work? Did something happen to the drive?"

"You think I'd be this distraught about work?"

"Oh. It must be bad then. Tell me. I won't get worked up."

"I assure you you will, but I need you to try to stay calm when I tell you."

"Promise. Now spill. I can't wait any longer."

I spaced out for a few minutes, trying to work out how to tell her. I didn't know I hadn't told her yet until she pinched me.

"Sorry, sorry." I took a deep breath. "Headmaster Yang called me and said that students heading back to the United States to visit their families were all in plane crashes earlier tonight. Sean--"

"Is he dead? Is that it? He's dead!"

"Baby, no! That's not what I'm saying. Yang said he was sure he was alive and was reported missing from the scene. Police haven't found him and they're sure he's been kidnapped. If not, then, yes, he might be dead."

"Cam, I know I said I promise not to be angry or get worked up, but...I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE! HAVE YOU CALLED THE POLICE?"

"I haven't. I was going to when I told you. Yang told me to wait just in case he got the information wrong. We can call right now."

"If our child is dead or missing, I will murder whoever was driving the plane and you for not telling me this as soon as you knew."

"I'm sorry?"

"Sorry doesn't cut it. Get up!"

"What, why?"

Kathryn glared at me and threatened to hit me. "We're going to the police station."