Chapter IV

------------------------Chapter Four-----------------------------------------------What seemed to be wrong, Alice?------------------------------

The old man in the infirmary is being extremely rude to Alice who only needs a speck of help from him.

Alice only wanted Cheshire to be treated by that old man and received nothing but mockery from the people who lived in that place.

She was looking at the old man pissed and as if her patience is coming to an end.

She put Cheshire on the sofa, facing the old man once again and walking down to where he was.

Since there is a study table putting them apart, the girl didn't hesitate in pulling the man's necktie, choking him harshly while glaring at him.

"Oy, Old hag! Are you not going to treat my friend or I need to treat instead? You called me a beast, right? Then I'll be a beast for you. I'll only ask this once, Treat him or I'll treat you!"

She sounded like a thug who lost her patience completely after getting too much mockery from the humans in that place.

The old man started sweating, "W-what do you mean-" his voice was trembling and he started to feel frightened about Alice's existence.

He was looking at Alice with fear however he somehow shifted his eyes away from the nurse as if he was trying to give the nurse an order.

"Don't act dumb! I'm so full of the insults I've been getting since I got here! Answer me!"

Alice shouted angrily at him, she shook him and slapped him multiple times without holding back.

"People like you should just be thrown in the pit of garbage! How could you be so pretentious, the man already asked you. And now, you are turning me down!? Damn you! I'm really sick of this sh*t! I don't want to ask you gently anymore, heal Cheshire quickly!"

She ranted, continuously shaking the man angrily.

But little did Alice know that the nurse behind her is holding a syringe that has a sleeping drug inside before she can even avoid the syringe that is to be injected into her.

She wasn't able to move, the nurse successfully put Alice in silence. Alice stumbles down to the floor as she takes a last sad glimpse of the Cheshire cat who is in a state of raving.

"C-cheshire…" Alice last called out before she totally passed out.

The old man who was frightened before got out to the other side of the counter and laughed loudly.

"What a filthy mess! Hahaha!" he insultingly muttered toward Alice, he wasn't content from saying things to her but he also kicked her brutally.

"Do you ever think I will be afraid of someone like you?! Get lost!"

The nurse who injected a sleeping drug into Alice asked the old man then, "What should we do to her, doctor?"

The old man marched back and forth as if he was trying to figure out what they should do to the defenseless girl, then suddenly, there was this wicked idea popped out of his head.

"Sell her to the demi-humans trafficker. But do that when no one is watching, selling demi-humans is still against the laws. Don't get caught, do you understand?" he said.

His nurse nodded without disagreement, thus when she saw the cat who was silently lying on the sofa, she then asked what to do with it.

"How about the cat?"

And the soulless old man replied without any sense of care, "Throw him. He doesn't have any use for us."

hearing those, the nurse quickly followed the old man's order.

After she threw the cat in the garbage pit, the nurse called two people who will be the ones that will sell Alice to the demi-humans trafficker that is on the black market.

A black market is an organization where humans sell things illegally, and no one either knew about that.

The nurse is one of the members of the black market and sells things easily without even sweating.

When the two people arrived, they seized Alice using a rice sack and tied the opening of the sack with a rope tightly.

Since Alice is unconscious, they were able to transport her easily without resistance. The people who were hired by the nurse soon arrived in the exact place.

One of the illegal vendors of this transaction bought Alice.

The girl was brought in the largest illegal syndicate in the human world, she was gone to one of the illegal syndicate's average ships.

-------------------------------------------------------------three days have passed since Alice got abducted and sold to the black market-----------------------

Alice was totally in confusion when she woke up inside the ships, her hand and legs were tightly tied with heavy metal balls.

"W-where am I!?" She asked herself as she started observing her whereabouts, the chains in her weren't enough.

She was also imprisoned like a heavy metal cage for the huge animals.

"C-cheshire!? Where are you!?" She shouted but there was no sign of him, rather there were also demi-humans who took a glance at her, all of them were hopelessly looking at her.

They were scared, desperate, and miserable to do nothing but whimper like a normal animals would do.

Alice was shaking about this matter.

She didn't realize how humans could be cruel to one another. She can see no difference in her world who despises humans themselves.

"What in the happening here? How did I end up here? After I got injected with some sort of material, I lost my consciousness and now I'm here? Then, where is Cheshire? Don't tell he was left in that place all by himself!?"

She was talking to herself and puzzled about how things are.

Alice tried to remove the chains that were bonded to her hands and legs but she was very powerless.

She remembered that her magic was eaten by the cat itself.

Nevertheless, that didn't bring Alice to silent herself and just let the humans go with their plan smoothly.

"Hey! Hey!" She started approaching one of the watchers in a distance although she wasn't being minded by it, she started cursing and bad-mouthing the guy.

"I said hey! You monkey-looking deaf human!" The guy heard that clearly, he wanted not to notice the girl, but the strong-willed girl didn't stop mocking the guy.

"You must be truly deaf for not facing me, I know you can hear me dumbass! What are you going to do on these humans here!? You guys are nothing but trash! Abducting these poor humans!? This is rather a monster would really do!"

The guy ran out of his patience, clobbering the ground annoyedly as he confronted Alice.

His nose was blowing a murky air, "You piece of sh*t! Will you goddamn shut up monster!"

After she heard those words, Alice unexpectedly pulled the man's collar inside her cell harshly.

"Monster!? You are certainly calling me a monster when you people were the ones who are abducting those inadequate humans! They aren't animals to be caged!"

Alice pulled in and out the man's collar because of anger.

The man was being knocked in the metal cage with a force but Alice didn't stop knocking him, "You, yourself is the monster here!"

She was so mad, though the man tried to stop her by pulling her hair brutally.

Alice warned him to stop doing that, "Let go of my hair! I'm telling you!"

"Damn you, monster! Release me!" The guy demanded, "You don't want to let go!?"

Alice who was enraged by her situation released the guy's collar however she quickly grasped the man's wrist and bit him eagerly.

"A-ahhhhhhh!!!" The man screamed in pain, then someone suddenly helped the man by holding Alice's hand and producing a lightning shock out of nowhere.

The girl fumbled on the cage's bottom brutally, she was constantly being drained because of the unexpected attack.

The demi-humans who were watching can't do anything but feel the same sympathy for the poor Alice who is trying her best to make the humans think again about the illegal things they are doing.

"What I have come into…?" Alice whispered to herself before losing her consciousness again.

------------------------------------------------------------7hrs after Alice lost her consciousness-----------

Alice has finally woken, she was so weak however she isn't a person that'll stay silent after all.

She was now brought in a vast warehouse, but she's still inside a cage but this time with someone.

She sat and started complaining, "If I just have my magic! I'll purge those humans and I will send them to hell myself! Ugh, I hate this place that I want to go home and let my mother just marry me off with some guy who looks like a clown."

The man in the distance is awkwardly staring at her, hearing those words to Alice he was rather confused and lost.

Alice was so different from other races that were called demi-humans in that world.

She was brave and said things easily that can get her easily in trouble.

When the girl turned her head to the right, she saw this silent guy glancing at her. Alice didn't hesitate to approach this man with familiarity with her words.

"Hey hey! You poor thing, they also abducted you. Right? What'd ya say if we try to escape from here? If there are two of us, we can escape and help the others."

Alice said whilst her faint voice, though the guy didn't react. He was still glancing at her with a weird look.

The girl was waiting for his answer but she received nothing, she sighed.

"I know you are scared but if you stay like this nothing will really change? Will you just let those bad guys do what they desire? If you decided that then I can't do anything about it."

She was so disappointed that she turned her head back to the other side of the prison.

As she stands in front of the grilling of the prison, the guy has finally spoken.

"If you are going to escape from here. How will you go to protect yourself from the illegal syndicates with a larger amount than us?" He coldly muttered, but Alice rapidly replied to his question with an affirmative answer.

"I just need a sword to protect everyone. I may not be able to use magic anymore but! I can still fight using a sword!"

With her answer, the guy was surprised by it and smiled with an amused expression.

"Very well then."

He conservatively commented.

To be continued.