Chapter XI

Chapter XI:Captive of the black organization.

Alice's POV

I got abducted again, this time I'm being held by the black magus. If you aren't familiar with them, magicians are called magus. I can't identify the place where I am, it is so dark and rather smells so nasty.

They put something in my neck and I can't remove it, probably because I don't have magic. The mere human body won't do anything on such a thing as this.

"I'm worried about that kid, he's a magi but I don't think he will be able to handle those people."

Having this collar around my neck makes me weak, is there some kind of magic spell in it?

Since I'm inside the cell I can't do anything but stare at the people who come and go in this place.

However, someone stopped in front of my cell and curiously made a gaze at me. He was wearing a cloak. I can't see what he looks like, I wonder if he is one of the black circus members.

What a silly joke! Of course, he is! What else is he here for if he is not, right? I'm so hopeless that all I can do is stupidly talk to myself.

"You… what in the world are you doing here again?" as the confused one, I only gave him curious blinking eyes as I can't remember having a conversation with him.


"You really love getting into trouble, aren't you?"

What is he talking about, I don't remember him at all but talking to me like we know each other is rather weird. Is he trying to help me here? I wonder.

"I mean, no! I don't like getting in trouble but what can I do? Some people are suffering because no one is protecting them. So, I decided to help them instead but unfortunately, I got caught too that's why this will be hard for me."

"You are such a funny girl. I never met a human like you, however. You are very unfortunate you've got into the mess that has no way for you to escape. You will become their plaything like what they do to others until you draw your last breath."

I felt disappointed from what I heard from him but instead of showing a miserable expression. I put a smile on my face and cheerfully answered him.

"Actually… I only escaped from my mother in wonderland." I said with confidence in every word I took out.

I actually heard a gasp of breathing from him as if he was surprised by what he heard.

"When I decided to escape from that place I already made up my mind. I let the witch eat all my magic in exchange for traveling here. It was indeed a beautiful place here, So even if I die in this place. I won't regret anything."

But it will truly be a shame if I die here without experiencing some good things.

"...What is your name?" the person in front of me grumbled as he reached my cheek and rubbed it.

"Umm, you can call me, Alice."

I felt strange from his touch but it's not that he is going to hurt me.

"Alice. This will be a temporary contract between us. I deal in death. If you cannot bring yourself to kill⸺call my name, Raksha Syaoran."

His hand suddenly glowed in the darkness. My eyes were widened because of it, I couldn't say anything at all. My mouth was left open wide.

"Y-you are a Raksha? How come… A Raksha in the human world?" I was confused however he suddenly disappeared in the middle of my confusion.

I still like to ask him about their races, but he just went away just when I was about to. Though I'm not really familiar with his name, is he not popular? Even when I read a book about the Rakshas, his name doesn't appear to the candidates.

I just sat in the corner after my conversation with that Raksha. Instead of forming contract with me, why not let me out instead.

I twitched my eyebrows unpleasantly.

"How could he just leave me here! If he is Raksha, then he supposedly protects the wonderlings! But he just went away with that looking good speech. Seriously." I complained but I know no matter how I do complaints here, nothing good will happen.

I just sighed out of the blue, gazing back outside the cell. Sudden sounds of footsteps started to approach in this direction.

I stood up to take a stance, I know someone will get me here but I never thought it'll be sooner.

"Hahaha! Hello, little kitty!" A young girl appeared all of the sudden, her face was covered with a mask but I can distinguish her hair, it was pink that tied upward. She wears a funny dress and actually holds a doll.

"Are you bored? Let's play. I am so bored that no one wants to play with me, that's why⸺That's why you will play with me!"

Is she ordering me around? How dare she do that, I'm a Princess! ...well before, not anymore…

The cell gate suddenly opened. Probably because of her, but I couldn't dare to leave this cell somehow. I can feel her presence, she's...⸺she hold enormous magic with her that I couldn't dare to defy.

"Why are you being silent? I said we will play! Quit standing now and follow me."

I hate her, but I'm scared.

It's pretty obvious that I fear her because I'm trembling so badly I froze in the corner.

When she gave me a sharp glance, I shivered even more.

"Didn't you hear me or did you want me to punish you? I haven't done anything to you and yet you are shaking like I'm going to kill you immediately." she gibed.

"...y⸺yes." I pondered while walking toward her.

"Great! We will have a tea party together with my dolls. You don't have to be scared of me, I am different from the rest. I am very patient and kind toward my toys."

She started muttering things that I couldn't just accept, walking down to the path she wanted me to take. I followed her obediently and since I don't have any choice, I have to be her toy to avoid anything unnecessary.

"Everyone is making fun with that human boy, I don't know why! He looks so boring, they don't really pay attention to you that's why I took you." she keeps babbling things.

Human boy? Is she referring to Kai? Playing with him? I wonder what these ruffles are doing to that poor boy.

When we reached the room she intended to play. She cheerfully welcomed me as if there is nothing wrong with her.

"Welcome my pitiful doll. Here, sit. I prepared a lot of different tea just for you. Since you are like a doll, I also made cookies. Sit beside, Hanako." The doll she was pointing at was so beautiful though his eyes were closed as if he was sleeping.

The room is having a sinister aura. When I sat beside Hanako, I suddenly felt creepy things inside me.

Is there someone actually staring at me? I can sense a lot of people staring at me however whenever I roam my eyes, it is all a doll that looks weirdly.

These dolls are somewhat with animal ears and all.

"What tea do you prefer? Jasmine tea, oolong tea, or black tea?" I never heard such a thing in my life.

But whichever tea I pick I'm sure there will be some weird stuff inside. This is why you mustn't trust the strangers, Alice.

"....⸺I…" I don't know what I am supposed to say.

I closed my eyes because of fear. I want to be saved, but how? Should I call his name? But calling his name, accepting the contract will put me in danger.

When the contract gets activated between a Raksha and people in wonderland, they have to spend the rest of their life together. When the Raksha's contracted person dies, he will also die however when the Raksha dies instead then the Master will only live in misery blaming his life for not protecting his guardian. That is the punishment for entering the contract.

"Little kitty, why are you trying to make me mad? I am asking you kindly but you're not answering me! Are you mute? Or don't me you are deaf!?" she suddenly yelled at me.

Knocking down the teapot causing it to get broken.

I slid my chair backward because of the abrupt flowing of the tea, I got the tea poured in my dress and it actually got burnt for some reason.

"....P-poison?!" I was surprised from what I saw that I had to stand away from her.

"Now you are really trying to piss even more!" she leered evilly at me.

I study around the room and this place is surely sinister just looking at it. I will stop her, I don't have magic and I'm against black magic but I can't just let her do what she wants to the Princess of the wonderland.

'Call my name⸺Raksha Syaoran' that words assembled in my thoughts. Is he really going to save me from her?

To be continued…