Chapter XV

Chapter XV: Going out with the Raksha.

(Alice's POV)

For my time in this place. I have encountered a lot of troublesome things already. I lost my only companion in this place and yet so, someone formed a contract with me. 

Though I didn't want that. I don't really have any choice, my life here is always in danger. I'm so pathetic that I couldn't even protect my own life.

This guy is following me wherever I go. He has a white complexion, with red tense eyes. His hair is white with bluish highlights at the tip. 

He is also taller than me. I'm not really familiar with the following occurrence after you formed a contract with someone.

Do they need to follow someone just like what he was doing, right now? 

I stopped from walking as I glared at him. 

"Mister, you weren't saying anything and yet you keep on following me. What in the world are you trying to do?" 

He only then blinked his eyes at me. Saying nothing but silence.

"Ugh. Are you making fun of me?" I annoyedly asked. 

He suddenly smirked, reverting his eyes away from me. 

"Why would I do such an obscene thing for entertainment?" 

I was surprised by his answer, not to mention this guy is getting on my nerve. 

"Look at you! Trying to act cool all of the sudden. And why would you huh? Then will you quit on following me?" 

Syaoran made a bugged eye from me upon hearing my words. 

"Are you ordering me around? How insolence of you for—" 

I cupped his cheek pissingly while sneering at him. 

"Huh? Did you say something? I didn't force you to form a contract with me. Deal with the consequences. Mr. Raksha!" 

He gazed at me with those serious eyes. Pfft. Now he looks annoyed and funny. I release him, running quickly away from him. 


I heard his mumble before I escaped from him. 

He was like a guard from wonderland, I never went here to get followed. 

I glanced back to where he was standing before but I never found him there. 

"What? Where did he go—" 

I never thought I'll get bumped with someone this time. I stumbled my butt to the ground painfully, making a gaze at the person I accidentally knocked with. 

My eyes were widened quickly when I realized that the person I bumped into was a scary muscle man? 

"Oi… oi, how dare you to bump into me. You pest!" 

He doesn't wear anything but a pants. He is half naked somehow also has a mustache in his mouth and he is so tan. 

"I'm sorry—" 

Though I intend to apologize, he suddenly kicked me violently. I rushed away with the impact he gave to his kick. 


My tears somehow shredded in my face because of how painful that kick I received to the man. 

I lifted my body, trying to stand up. I feel like I lost a lot of energy just because of one kick.

"Is it because of the collar attached around my neck?"

If you remember, this is the collar I received from the black circus and until now I haven't gotten rid of it. 

The man took a step toward me, as for me who was chasing her breathing. I couldn't move properly.

"Ha! You dare to poke your filthy skin onto mine. You must be looking for your death." 

I bit my lips. I want to fight back however, just how weak I am as of now won't do anything to him. 

"I'm already apologizing, didn't I?! Why do you have to do this!" 

I yelled resentfully at him. He suddenly laughs at me.

Everyone around is just watching us. Some people are laughing as if they are enjoying the scene. 

"Who would take an apology from a filthy bug like you!?" 

Bug? Is he saying this because I look demi-human to him? This is unfair, not only for me but also for the demi-humans. 

"Yeah!? Why is there demi-human in the capital! Go back to your place!" People chorused and sounded so cheeky.

I can't do anything but clunch the sand pissingly. 

"I… I didn't do anything and yet I'm being treated like this—" 

Someone appeared in front of me. However, I didn't expect that he'd hug me without saying anything. 

"W-who are you…?" 

The man who attacked me asked. 


And I became so emotional when he gave me this warm embrace, I think probably because I am searching for someone who'll defend me. 

I cried at him silently, embracing him back just like what he did to me. 

"Is this the reason why you were watching me? Following me? You knew that something like this would happen." 

I mumbled at him. He stroked my hair as if he was trying to comfort me.

"Hey! I am talking to you! How dare you ignore me!?" 

The man kept on yelling at us. He is mad, probably because he saw that someone is trying to protect me from him. 

"Yeah, why is that noble-looking man doing? Why is he trying to protect a lowly demi-human?" And mumblings from the people around began. 

"I never saw someone defend some lowly lowborn before. Does he also want to get outcast in society?" 

I panicky stare at him. 

"What you hear today is nothing but a string of lies. Don't let them misguide you." 

He doesn't seem to be affected. 

I tried to smile as I nodded lightly.

"Uhm." I agreed, bending my head to the ground. A lot of people started to surround us. I don't know how we could go out in this mess. 

"I had enough! Take this!" 

When I heard the man was going to attack Syaoran, I had to look at him. 

He was about to punch Syaoran at the back however he got halted by something powerful. 

"Hnn...ugh, fuah!? W-what is this!? I can't even move my hand to punch him!? I- I can't pull it out too!" 

Most people are rather surprised by what they witnessed. 

He is a Raksha, the second powerful after the high magus. Guardian of the borders, but it seems that Rakshas in this place is not being recognized. 

The mark on his forehead, half-moon means he is the guardian of the night. 

"Let me tell you something. Unknowledgeable humans who only exist unconditionally in this land. I don't care who you are however, if you think this girl is a pest then you are nothing but a speck of dust that needs to end from existing."

Syaoran's voice is making me tremble. He is expressing his words to others like he is showing fear. 

"What did you say!?" 

Because of Syaoran's words, he enraged the man like totally crazy. The man attempted to attack Syaoran with his other hand.


But like before, his hand got stuck in the shade. 

Syaoran suddenly lifted me, bridal style, and faced the man with a dull expression. 

"I might be incapable to hurt you just like what you performed to this girl. Regardless I will leave advice for you." Syaoran said with a serious voice. "I will not let this happen twice. Better to keep your unworthy hands to this girl or I won't hesitate to crush them." He added. 

The man's expression is really mad, I think he is truly getting under Syaoran's impulsive warning. 

After that, we just disappeared at that place. 

Appearing in some flowery place. The flower petals are swaying in the mid-air. It was so beautiful.

"Where are we?" I asked curiously.

"We are in dandelions' sanctuary. This is where I go if I don't feel well or I don't want to get disturbed." 

Dandelions? They are so beautiful. 

Syaoran carefully released me in the center of the blossoms. I am surrounded by these, beautifully. 

"Are you okay? Are you in pain?" He asked worriedly. I shook my head calmly.

"No, I'm just fine. It's barely a kick, it's painful at first but not anymore." I picked one of the dandelions. 

I heard him sighed, I oddly made a glance at him.

"You are from wonderland, why did you decide to go here? Don't you know that people here are crueler than the people in that place?" He said. 

"...I didn't know. From the books I've read, this place is supposedly equal but I think it's too late to regret it…" 

"Why not go back to the place where you belong?" 

"There will be no difference. I'm going to be sold in another country. I'm going to be a captive in that country. Didn't I tell you before? I… want a place where I can breathe without any worries." 

I nearly sobbed, however, Syaoran unexpectedly pulled me and embraced me tightly. 

"If you are going to cry. I don't want to see it. We're here in this place to calm ourselves. I do not allow you to cry in front of me." 

Syaoran… what a weird Raksha indeed. I don't know why he is treating me like this but today… I'm rather grateful to him. 

To be continued. . .