Chapter XXVII

Chapter XXVII: Syaoran's other half. 

(Inside Syaoran's dream)

A child was crying in the middle of destruction. He was helplessly seeking someone's help. 

Although, no matter what he does. No one can hear him. 

"Help me! My family is in danger!" the child said. 

"What is a filthy Raksha doing in this place? Someone! Fend him off!" Some people think of him like an insect. But the child didn't lose his hope. 

He then eventually went to the Knights and started begging, "Please Mister. Help my family! They were being harassed! Please--" and yet, the knight he was talking to draw his sword to the pitiful child and mercilessly slashed him. 

The child fell to the ground, he was badly injured hence the people can't see him as they mindlessly walked over him.

Soon, the child was able to go back to his home. Injuries are nothing to him, he is considered a monster to the human world after all.