Chapter LIII

Chapter LIII: Huaxi

(Alice's POV)

The night was already approaching when we decided to go back to the palace. I have to escort her to the gate but I'm not planning to go back yet. 

We were on our way when I heard something in the dark corner of the street. "Alice?" 

"Xynia, could you wait for me a bit? Don't move there. I heard some whimpering sound. I'll just check it out." 

"E-eh? Alice?" 

I ran as I followed the sound. The sound didn't fail me when I reached the sound where it came from. I saw a small kid that's getting beat by three adult ass humans. 

"Heh! Tell your mother if she doesn't pay your father's debt. We will burn your fucking house!" they threatened the little boy too much.

"But my father already left us." he was crying and trying to defend himself from the horrible beatings of the three worthless dudes. 

I breathed in, finally going out to stop the dudes from bullying the little kid.