Chapter LXIII

Chapter LXIII: Mad Hatter

The black circus is still continuously trying to uphold the black magus king's consciousness. They created a disturbance to the city of Luan Guo where the headquarters of the Black Raven was located. 

There are three people inside the dungeon who are doing their evil plan to Alice's body when they were suddenly disrupted by the other member of the black ravens. 

Liu Yue, the kid who was Alice's first met in the capital of Calaris is one of the three members who infiltrated the prison cell. The girl named Latrice, a shadow user is also present. The third person named Shigami who is taking the infiltration's lead wickedly gives an order to the two of them. 

They are in the middle of changing Lace's heart when they were disrupted. 

"Latrice!" Shigami gave permission to dispose of the black raven's remaining members. Gladly, Latrice accepted it.