Chapter LXVII

Soon Alice and the three of them reached the house of the person who will remove the choker. 

However, when they got there. The whole place was already abandoned. There was no sign of anyone living there.

The place is awkwardly in a mess as if something happened. 

"What should we do now?" Sharon worriedly uttered to all of them. 

Xertinz sighed. They have no other choice but to turn back. 

"Well. We just have to find another one? We can't really let the choker be. That thing mostly does trackings and stuff."

"Let's go back to the city. Young Lady and I will gather some information. While we are out, you two can stroll around the city for a while." 

When they finished their discussion about what they are supposed to do after. As they planned, Sharon and Xertinz went somewhere. 

Alice and Syaoran were left out of the city. The two of them were sitting on a stoned bench.