Chapter LXXII

Chapter LXXII:

(Emily's POV)


"Big Sis! Big Sis!" 

I was looking for my sister Sharon, today is her coming age ceremony and she is missing. I'm Emily, a seven years old girl from a noble family. I am the prettiest and the youngest sibling in my family. 

We are seven, four girls and three boys. My family is so lovely, they are all kind and respectable. I'm so proud of this family and I promised that I will take care of this family until the end. 

"Emily! What are you doing there?" My older brother crossed the path with me. "Brother. I was looking for Big Sis. She's missing and our servants are troubled about it. That is why I was helping them." I explained the current situation. 

"Forget about that. Do you want to come with me? I have something for you." He was smiling like that to me.

I was curious why he was doing that smile for me.

"But, how about Sister Sharon? She needs to-"