Chapter XCI

(Alice's POV)

I woke up, Lace probably decided to rest for a while. This day seems like a normal day for me, I can hear the birds chirping outside the vast scenery. They seem to be freely playing on this peaceful day. I sighed, I forgot this kind of peace once in a while. 

Looking at both of my sides, there is no one here. Where could Syaoran be? It's rare not to see him here beside me. 

Ugh, I feel pain in my stomach. Peeking on it, I saw bondage warped on it. I thought Lace healed this. 

"What could have happened to him." 

Not only this pain, but also the body aches that I can feel it all over my body.

I stretched my body, "I think I need to do something to relieve this pain." It's time to relax at the lake. But given that there's a lot of threat to my life, others probably think that I'm that special. They also think that I'm that powerful.