Chapter XCVIII

Her name is Alice

Second Volume


(Alice's POV)

When I got my consciousness back, I was somewhere. It is a blank room with no windows. 

If I recall what happened, The man who brought me here released an enormous amount of magic to us. Even his companions did the same, but they did that not because they wanted to engage in a fight, it's because the guy intended to kidnap me. 

Still, I couldn't figure out why in the world they kidnap me. Did they come to learn that I am nothing but a vessel, no? I haven't told anyone. "Kaori." I saw her back then as if she was one of the men who kidnap me now. 

When I lifted my hand, I could see that my hand became transparent. I hold myself from getting surprised by what I see. 

"I can't tell if I'm still alive or I'm just an illusion."