Chapter XCVII

Her name is Alice

Second Volume


"Boss, this is the unluckiest day that ever happened to us."

"Oh, shut up." 

Alice and the others are on an Island. The ship that was wrecked before is being fixed by the pirates who attacked them harshly. Sage put a curse on the pirate members; thus, whoever attempted to escape without fulfilling the agreement will lose their lives.

"Syaoran!" Alice was waving at Syaoran, wearing alternative clothes. Instead of worrying about the problems, Alice and Sharon were playing in the sea happily. 

"Girls. Girls! Don't go to the deeper part of the ocean. Alright?"


Syaoran and Lycos gathered some firewood; they are planning to stay on the small island after all. Their ship was mercilessly raptured. Sage was cooking something and even fixing their emergency tent. Yue was watching the pirates very strictly.