Chapter CVI

Her name is Alice

Second Volume


(Sharon's POV)

I was walking to a vast hallway of this huge palace. I accepted their offer but that's not the whole point of why I accepted it. I have another motive than marrying the strayed Prince here. 

Back then, I noticed a crest. Not the crest of anyone. It was Xertinz's crest. I was confused why does he have it but there's one thing I can be sure. Xertinz went here in this place. I'm really puzzled about what is he planning to do after he ran away with the previous king. Surely, they won't be going to wreck this realm. Aren't they?

No one can be sure though. Those beasts that the union's planning, it's not something that we can put lightly. 

Moreover, where is this maid taking me. "Ehem. Excuse me. If I may ask, where do you intend on bringing me?"