Retrace: XVI

Her name is Alice


Something is crawling inside me. It's taking over my brain, 'Kill' that piercing words are repeating on my mind endlessly. 

What is this urge, I want to kill- 

I stepped back to prevent doing something dangerous around these people. I don't know but as long I couldn't control myself, I can't bring any harm to them. I must not, Alice won't going to be happy if I dared to.

"W-what's happening to you!? Hey-" the Lady is about to touch me when I glared toward her. "Don't you dare!" I just warned her however, she looks frightened that she has to push back herself away from me. 

I'm writhing in pain as I decided to go out, "Hey! Lady…!" I ran aimlessly out of nowhere. 

'Kill…' What's going on in my head, I just don't know what in the world is happening to this body. 

"U--ughh…" but I got halted when I bumped into someone. I gasped when I saw a monster.