Retrace XVIII

Her name is Alice


"Hey Lace…" 

Someone is talking to me, it's very familiar. 

"Be sure to save them all." 

This voice… is it, Alice? 


"Wakey wakey. Mister Prince!" 

I gasped when some literally jumped into me. "Blahhhggg!" 

Eh? Who is it? 

When I opened my eyes, there are bunches of kids around me. Who are these kids? Where did they come from? 

These are all the questions running through my head.

"Mister Prince, you shouldn't sleep like a log. At any moment, the enemies might come over here to spank you." 

Wait a minute, why are they calling me Mister. 

"Everyone. Don't you know that he's injured? Please stop stressing him out." A woman came out of nowhere. 

I don't understand, Him? I'm in Alice's body… Aren't I?

Staring out to my hands made me realized one thing. "Why do my hands grew a little bigger than usual?" I mumbled to myself.