Vivid Dreams

"Mom, please wake up! Mom please don't leave me." The smell of burning flesh was overwhelming, hot burning tears streaming down the sides of my face, spilling over my chin, as my mom lay unconscious in a pool of blood. The sound of sirens echoing throughout the street as the crackling of fire engulfed the house. A calloused hand dragged me away as, my mother was being carried away on a stretcher with a black tarp that cover her head to toe. I writhed against the man who was pulling me away, as my mom was being placed inside a van. I tried to scream out to her, but my voice felt as if there were claws that were slowly tearing my voice away. My vision clouded over with un-spilled tears; my voice hitched as I made one last attempt to scream. 

"Ahhh!" I screamed as I woke up drenched in sweat with tears streaming down my face, the vivid memory was still replaying in my mind as  stared up to the moon.

"Shut the fuck up you stupid kid!" He shouted. I shuddered as I heard the smash of glass against the wall. "I didn't take you in for nothing, YOU UNGREATFUL PIECE OF SHIT!" I froze as my door was forced open.  He walked closer to me with the shattered beer bottle in his hand. He reeked of alcohol and sweat. 'He must be drunk.'  I thought to myself.

 He grabbed the neck of my shirt, I closed my eyes and looked away. He held the bottle up to my face and painstakingly sliced my cheek. I winced in pain, as I felt a silent trickle of blood roll over my chin.

He let go of my shirt, dropping me to the ground while muttering something under his breath as he left my room. I wiped the blood of my face with the sleeve of my shirt.

I opened the window to let some fresh air in, a dull breeze blew a couple of blonde stands of hair in my face. The soft glow of the moonlight illuminated the room leaving shadows. 'It'll go away soon it always does.'

A headache was slowly pulsing throughout my brain, my hands began shaking, small shocks reverberating through the veins. I placed my hand on the wall, while trying to collect myself, trying to restrain myself.

The pounding in my head was gradually getting worse, it went from a small pulsing to a sharp stabbing sensation building up at the back of my eye. The spasms that were spreading out from my hand weren't helping either.

I slid my back against the wall trying not to focus on the pain by listening the the leaves swaying in the wind. I went to check the time on my phone '2:39am'  the streets are pretty quiet at this time of night, nothing much can be heard except for the occasional car passing by, or the homeless who lay on the walls of hidden alleyways.

'I should get some sleep, I have school tomorrow after all.'  My mind was oblivious to the fact that the assignment was due tomorrow as well, but I wasn't focused on that, I was more worried about the eviction notice that was hanging on the door when I returned yesterday.

Scenarios began playing throughout my head, I pondered on where I, no we would go. I tried my best to push those thoughts to the back of my mind, until his word began ringing through my head.

'Do you really deserve this?'

. . .

'ANSWER ME, Isamu, do you deserve this?


'Your just like your mother, worthless.'

Maybe I really am?

"What have you ever done in your life, NOTHING, nothing like you or useless family.'

Nothing, I've never done anything to help, I only cause trouble.

'Don't you think that this world would be better without you.'

Yes, I'm only a burden to everyone around me.

'Or I need to remind you of what happened."

Beep Beep Beep

The alarm on my phone brought me out of my thoughts and back into reality, I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth, I had bags under my eyes, I didn't get I wink of sleep last night. The slash was still visible on the side of my face, from where he cut it.

I have think of a believable excuse, so they won't worry. They have bigger problems to worry about, like grades and training, unlike me. I know Hiroki will ask of how I got it, Fukuda too. I'll just say I got it in training or something.

I tried my best to cover up the bags under my eyes, I didn't bother with the slash, since I knew I couldn't cover it no matter how much concealer I put on it. I sighed as I walked down to the kitchen.

He was passed out on the sofa, surrounded by empty beer bottles and cigarette ash. I knew that he would be passed out for the next few hours. I opened the fridge to see if we had had any food left, I all ready knew the answer to that question but I still opened the fridge.

I closed the fridge then I grabbed the keys and my bag then headed off the the bus stop, it was still quiet early, but I needed to get a breath of fresh air, yet again I was left alone with my thoughts.

I heard the bus arriving, I slang my bag over my shoulder and headed onto the bus.

"Morning Isamu!" I heard a cheery voice call out to me.

I flashed her one of my signature smiles, as I sat down on a seat near the bus. I pulled out my phone 7:53. I plugged in my headphones as I stared out the window. There was no one on the bus, there usually isn't anyway.

I observed my surroundings as the bus was going through the different regions. Finally my stop arrived, I tried my best to clear all negative thoughts as I smiled at my reflection in the window, mentally preparing myself for the day. I slipped my phone back into my pockets.

I walked into Class, Hiro and Fukuda both gave me stares, I brushed it off by smiling at them. I walked over to my desk, and as I expected Hiroki was the first one to ask about my cut. I explained my Fool-Proof excuse.

Fukuda rolled her eyes at me , while Hiroki was saying how it looked 'cool'. I laughed at what Hiro said.

"Move outta the way, your blocking my bloody desk" Watanabe roared, while pushing Hiroki aside so he could get to his desk. Hiro replied with a 'Good morning'

Uyeda-sensei opened the door in his usual 'I look like I rolled out of bed' get up, the class went quiet except for Watanabe letting out a 'tsk'.

"We have a student joining our class who exchanged from overseas." He informed the class. The class fell into hushed whispers, and shocked faces as the new student opened the door.

"Please introduce yourself.' The student just rolled his eyes

"Kasumi Asato." The boy mumbled.

"Go sit next to Isamu, he has a free seat." Uyeda instructed him

I took it upon myself to introduce myself. "I'm Isamu Oki, nice to meet you." I exclaimed while giving him a closed eye smile.