Chp 28 : Fire Starter?

Drew woke up earlier than before, her hand started to travel to the other side of the bed to feel if there was a presence beside her.

Her effort was unfruitful because she felt no warmness emitted beside her, she was left alone again every time she woke up, no sign of Al was seen and she just sighed.

Al always woke up at 6 and having a morning run and exercised every day.

The first time Mrs. K and Mary knew that Drew was sleeping with Al, they almost hanged him. With Drew's intervention and explanation, they become calmer and permit Drew to sleep in Al's room.

It's been 5 days since she stayed in Hope Institute Orphanage, she wrote a note before she left and put it on the fridge in her house. That note was written, "I AM RUNNING AWAY FROM HOME TO AL'S PLACE!!."

Days were passed but no one in her family, her father or mother searching for her. Al already told Spielberg, their Godfather that Drew was running away from home and she stayed at the orphanage.

He didn't want the orphanage accused of kidnapping, so he needed to get many witnesses.

Drew could be a witness if they were really sued but usually, in many cases that involved children as a witness, the jury always disregarded their testimony, except for the trial about racism case.

Like George Stinney's (1944) and Michael Jackson's (1993) trial, their witness was a child and they still lost the case, maybe because both of them being colored people.

Likewise, this kind of thing made Drew saddened, and started to hate her family. She said to everyone that her father never cared about what she was doing and her mother was using her to enter Hollywood so she could buy fancy things and slept with a younger guy in Hollywood.

When Drew said these words, it surprised everyone, Mrs. K asked where Drew know these things and she said that she overheard her parents yelling this while they were fighting.

So Mrs. K, Mary, and Al had another discussion about Drew and think that her parent was not suited for parenting.

Al made another call to Spielberg about this problem and he suggested to Al to wait and see, Spielberg didn't like to interfere with other people's household.

'This old man' Al sighed, although he was good with his closed persons, he didn't like to interfere with other people's business, let them find their way he said.

Maybe that's why in his past life he just let Drew work as a cleaning service and sometimes doing hard labor jobs in her worst times, to experience the hard life by herself.

Well with Al, Mrs. K, and Mary here, they definitely will teach her about the hardness of life.

For these five days, Drew really enjoyed staying here. After Drew knew how good Al's singing voice is, she always requesting Al to sing in the backyard during their playtime.

Not only singing, but Al also taught some basic of acting from his Mind Library to Drew, he only told Drew that every actor must find their own way to act and they must experience it by taking every kind of roles in art films and making some breakthrough in it, Drew listened to Al's advice attentively.

The singing activities also had become a routine for them. Al also likes to sing a song, and finally, maybe he took these things too far.

One day, he brings only a small drum or some kind of bongos and started singing a song with alien words, even Mrs. K and Mary are confused by this.

But the nice and catchy lyrics and melody make everyone interested to hear and dance to this song, everyone also wanted to learn it so Al opens a free class.

He told them that this song tells a story about a boy who asks a girl to dance but was forbidden by her mother. So they sneak up and dance together at the festival, but her mother knew this and forbids the boy to see the girls again. The boy was mad and tell that he loves her and want to be with her forever.

This song's name is Ievan Polkka, a song from Finland and was created in the 1930s. How Al knew this, everyone doesn't know, but it won't reduce any of their enthusiasm for singing and dancing with this song.

Every time he plays this song, everyone danced happily. Alice has also become a singer of this song and she has a really beautiful voice, she was really talented in music, and everything that Al taught her, she absorbed like a sponge.


1983 has gone, and 1984 here we go!

2nd January 1984,

The thing that they were predicted for has come. Drew still staying here for almost 10 days and finally, her DNA donor is coming here.

Jaid Mako, her name now is coming to the orphanage with some police officers and accusing this orphanage of kidnapping her dear daughter.

Maybe in the far future, the relationship between Drew and her mother has been fixed and they will get along as mother and daughter should be.

But currently, she is just a desperate woman who is losing her sugar daddy and soon also her cash cow.

Al prepared for this, he told the 2 cops that there is a false report, Drew is not kidnapped but run away because of her parents' fight, and Drew was sick of it.

These white police seem to want to make things hard for them, well in the eyes of law, women in distress are 100 times stronger than man.

But their effort subside when they saw Jaid screaming like a crazy female dog and start to pulling Drew out of this orphanage.

Drew put up a fight and scream, "I want to stay in the orphanage, you are the worst parents I ever knew, you never ask my condition, never made me a meal, never read me a bedtime story, nor sing me a lullaby, and always work work and work!!!! I.Hate.You." Then she shrieked.

But Jaid was using extra power and start to drag her, "You are my daughter so you must do everything I said!"

Al can't take it anymore and come over to interfere with their fight. He pulled Jaid's hands-off Drew, grabs Drew, and carry her.

The police who now sure which side they will take begin to restraint Jaid, but she began to scream and fight their bondage.

Al couldn't take it anymore and started to scold Jaid while he still carrying Drew, "You, are a sad excuse of a mother!! You don't deserve Drew at all, have you ever wondered why Drew ran away from home, if not because you and your husband ignoring Drew, she wouldn't be here!!" He said while pointing his finger against her.

"If not because you are Drew's mother, I would have kicked you out of here!"

"I'm going to sue you for kidnapping my daughter!!"

"Go ahead we can see each other in court, I already report this to the Parent and Child Association and have some people to testify. Drew will also testify and I have already contacted the team of lawyers to get a restraint order and keep you away from her for a while! Drew will stay in this orphanage legally, and you won't see her until you become a suitable mother for her and until you FIX.YOUR.DAMN.ATTITUDE!!!" Everyone in the scene suddenly afraid of Al's outburst.

There are also some paparazzi that Jaid brought taking pictures of Al and Jaid. Al already anticipated this by calling the LA Times and some media under Universal MCA.

They are already in this scene since morning and secretly take pictures and recording their conversation.

Al knew this damned woman was willing to do any means to get money from him, so she must be planning to blackmail him by contacting some supermarket gossip magazine.

"Officers, now both of you already knew who in the wrong here, please escort her out of here. I know someone who had a good connection to LAPD and I don't want to involve two of you in this."

Al also knew that these 2 cops were paid by her, so he threatening them by saying some bullshit.

These 2 cops become afraid and take away Jaid and the paparazzi.

"Come on Drew, let's get you inside and I'll make you your favorite hot chocolate."

Now all of them go inside and take a break from this shitty situation.


The next morning, the citizens of the USA were shocked by hot news about Al and Drew. The first version is from Hollywood Star about the kidnap of a child superstar.

Because their restraint order not to mention Al's name until he is 18. The news only told about how Drew Barrymore was kidnapped and held in the orphanage of the famous Hollywood child star.

And the headline picture was a crying Jaid holding her daughter's doll. Everyone knew who is this famous child star that still lived in an orphanage.

The second version is more trustable because it was reported by the LA Times and MCA/Universal TV.

It tells about how John Barrymore and Jaid Mako are having a divorce and neglecting their children and making Drew work over the limit that the law has stated.

So Drew ran away from home, her relatives are not calling her until her mother comes to the orphanage 10 days later and threatening to sue the orphanage for kidnapping.

Now Drew is under the protection of the Parents and Child Association and lived in an orphanage under Katherine Harris's protection, the orphanage caretaker.

The majority of people support the Association move while the minority criticize them for splitting up a child with their parents.

Well, although Al doesn't care about what people said about him, as a public figure, he must care about it because he needs their support.

So not only Jaid and John have a divorce case, but they will also lose their custody of Drew. Well, John doesn't care but Jaid is having a double strike.

After called by the court, the court ruled that Drew will be taken care of by the orphanage and her daily needs will be handled by Hope Institute until she feels she no longer need to stay at the orphanage and supervised by the association.

She will be able to do her actress jobs if she gets permission from Association and Hope Institute, and any income that she will get will be put under her trust fund under her name and will be given to her when she turned 18.

Her mother, Jaid will be trained in a parenting education program if she wants to take custody of Drew and will be able to visit her thrice a week until she is deemed to be suitable taking care of Drew.

So after the court announced the sentence, the kids cheered and the team hugged Drew. Drew also let out a happy laugh while being spin hugged by them.

Al who sits beside the adults is having a smile with them.

Spielberg also joined the trial with his girlfriend and said to Al, "Maybe I will be a bad parent in the future Al, I should help Drew and you in this." Spielberg said with a sigh and regret.

Al patted Steven's shoulder and said, "Then you should often visit the orphanage, you will see how happy it is to share the happiness with someone, especially with children."

Steven smiled, lean-to Al and said with a very small voice, "I plan to propose to Amy next year, and maybe I could learn about parenting in there, what do you say?"

Al gasp and whispered, "No way!? My Godfather is going to let go of his bachelor's degree! Oh, don't forget to sign a prenuptial agreement first."

He laughed and said, "Don't tease me, Al, I don't need that."

'Oh you will someday Steven, but I hope it won't.' He just shrugged.

To Be Continued.....