Chp 38 : Film Fest?

Robin followed Al to the editing room in Amblin Entertainment.

He committed to teaching Robin about the basics of editing from doing with tapes to process cut and splice the film's film.

Turned out she had a talent for this and was not all talk when Ione said she was good at computer. He even gave her some sample of his "in development" movie editing software and she was fascinated by it.

So he told Robin his plan to make her his editor in the future and Robin gladly accepted it with a flat face.

Personal Editor and Director relationship were like husband and wife, they knew what their pair intended to do and they always maintained good chemistry when editing but sometimes there was also a fight but both of them will be reconciled eventually.

"Here for you, a Tso's chicken and for me, Sesame chicken."

Currently, they were eating Chinese take-out food outside the studio.

Robin suddenly lost her right-hand balance when she was eating the food with a spoon and it fell to her... mountain peaks.

Robin just gave him a cold look so Al won't comment any of it.

When 5 of them became friends, Al realized that Robin always drops something she holds. Only Al currently realized this, while her best friend, Ione is too used to see her.

The 2 boys and everyone else also did not realize it because Robin has a very low presence.

Well considering that Robin wore Goth makeup and has those assets that even with a baggy t-shirt she wore was hard to hide, it seemed that everyone sight only focused on her Goth makeup, not her body.

That's why sometimes he can see her shirts dirty from foods and snacks.

"Say, Robin, since when is your hand coordination so bad?" He asked curiously.

"How could I know?" She tried to search for any napkins.

"Oh, I see, maybe because of that." He said while staring at her humongous twin peaks, and gave her a tissue.

"How could that possibly connected?" She said giving him a white eye and took the tissue Al gave to her.

"Well, it's just a possibility, lets continue our work, only a few scenes left and all done." He hurriedly diverted the topic to escape her bites again.

For these few days, they have been travel back and forth together from school to Amblin Studios using Al's bicycle.

There were even rumors that said Al and Robin are dating and mostly it was spread by Billy's associate.

After they finished all of the editings in the evening, they went to the mall because they have promised Ione, Max, and Anthony to meet them.

Currently, Al was cycling with Robin sitting on the seat behind him. If you see it, this scene would be like a scene in some romantic movies, but unfortunately, they were wearing a bright orange baggy hoodie and Goth dress which kinda ruined the scene.

"You are rich right E.D.? Why don't you buy a car or a bike?"

"I try not to attracting unnecessary attention, Robbie." He just shrugged at her question.

"Said the man who wore a bright orange hoodie."

"Hey, it's called reverse psychology, the more you want to be in the center of attention, the more people will ignore you." He explained it in detail.


They arrived at the mall and met with the other three, Anthony invited them to play in the arcade and when they were done, they sat in the BK restaurant, ordering what they were usually eating.

"Ed, you said the editing was completed right? Can we see it?" Max said.

"No guys, I don't even show this to the cast. This short film will be shown at the Chicago Film Festival, and I invite you guys to go there."

"How about school?" Ione asked worriedly

"I have communicated with Steven and he said my film will be shown on Saturday or Sunday, after the opening. So everything is all done." He said while munching his cheeseburger.

"And if necessary, we could ask leave from school. This school has a lot of alumni who became a Hollywood star. As long as the reason is movies related"


"What!? Rejected?" Al saw his leave paper was marked with big red words.

"I'm sorry sweetie, but the principal has said so." The old receptionist lady also said it in regret, she liked this good-hearted boy.

Because of his cheerful personality and his good scores on almost every test, he was all liked by teachers.

Well except for one person, Principal Williams.

Al knew this kind of guy only cared about the school's achievements that could get himself a good report card with the school's board of directors.

Saw him beat up his potential star quarterback, of course, put him on his blacklist.

"It's not your fault Mrs. Penny, I will think another way."

"I know when the principal is doing things like this young Eddy, just do what you have to do. We will support you when anything happens." She said with an evil smile.

It seems she also knew when the principal was having a 33-days hormone spike period.

He told his friends this problem and what his plan. They will still follow Al to Chicago Film Festival in mid-October.

"Fk that Williams!!" Robin angrily said.

"Well, just wait for the D-day guys, I'll still going even if I got myself into detention." He sighed.

"How about we watch movie guys? I heard film has been released and the review was good." Al said to cool down the tensions.

Most of them agree to watch that movie but what we see later on was, one man excitedly watch it while the four of his friend dozed off so comfortably in the theatre.

Since that day, they swear that never let Al chose the movies they were going to watch together.


The mid-October came and Al followed the opening ceremony of the Chicago International Film Festival.

When the media get the info that Alphonse Brandt has made a short film and joined the competition of short film in Chicago International Film Festival, the place suddenly crowded with media and audience who want to see the short film made by Al.

There were also his fans who came from all the states just to watch it.

These events were usually attended by independent filmmakers and some foreign filmmakers who want to get fame before screened their films in their own country.

They also heard Steven Spielberg and his girlfriend, Robert Zemeckis, Stanley Kubrick, Jodie Foster, Drew Barrymore also attended this film festival.

Stanley Kubrick of course still escaped from the media's interviews and directly go to the hall by the backdoor.

Because of this news, it has attracted many celebs' attention and the gossip was many of them decided to come and enliven the fest.

Mrinal Sen, the Indian director who also a participant in this festival of film was surprised by how lively the festival is.

Some International directors like Michael Haneke from German with his works

Kar-Wai Wong from Shanghai with his experimental independent film, Jean-Pierre Jeunett from France, etc.

Hollywood celebs were also seen like Al Pacino, Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks, etc.

But what the media wanted was to see Alphonse Brandt and his short film. Was he just playing on making the films? How can a 14 years old boy direct a film?

The media can't wait to see the joke made by him. Well if the quality is so so, the jury of Chicago Int. Film Festival could tolerate him.

If the film is so bad, they also will lose their prestige for allowing child's play to enter the competition of this festival.

If only not because they need to save the face of Steven Spielberg and Universal Picture, they would definitely have rejected Al.

Because of Al, the events become one of the media focus and the organizer decided to held red carpets.

Al came to greet his acquaintance inside the hall. He took all the orphanage tenants, his 4 high school best friends, and all the crews of .

"Kid, you better make my time worthy coming far to Chicago." Stanley Kubrick said with an intimidating voice that made all of his friends shuddered.

Well mostly because they met the terrifying Stanley Kubrick, the big guy of the film industry.

"No worries Mr. Stanley, I guarantee you that this film is gonna be worth watching."

"Dad please." Vivian groaned, then she turned to Al and hugged him affectionately, "Long time no see Al."

When they were hugging, Stanley was making a grumpy face, Mary and Jodie gave an ambiguous smile, and the rest of them especially females were making weird faces.

"Long time no see Vi, let me introduce you to my brother and sisters and also my high school friends."

He introduced her one by one and finally Vivian stuck her gaze to one of the girls.

"Is this the little genius you told me, uwu she's so cute." Vivian approached and hugged her.

"Hello Big Sis Vivian, my name is Alice. Big Bro Al told me so much about you." Al left them to talk and greeted other acquaintances.

The opening of the festival was opened by the speech of the committee leader.

Because so much attention was given to Al, the organizer decided to put Al's short film at the opening of this film festival.

All of them came to the theatre and sat in a reserved seat. They can't wait for the film that created by this boy, is it flop, so-so, or is it more than they can imagine.

To Be Continued....