Chp 40 : Mythical Beast?

"Mr. Brandt, is this film all made by you alone?"

"Not at all, I have my crews here, look at credit scene. These guys are all talented and I'm lucky to get help from them."

"Mr. Brandt, do you think you can win Golden Hugo awards in the short film category?"

"Depends on the kindness of the judges."

"Excuse me, Mr. Brandt, I see your coloring and lighting of the films are excellent, the last time I see this good was made by Francis Ford Coppola in 1972 , Have you received any education from him?"

"Yes, of course. I always have a question for him about and he teaches and giving me a tip for this. I really admire Mr. Francis Coppola. This will be also a tribute for him because I learned so much from him."

"Mr. Brandt, will you shoot another short film or straight up to standard movies?"

"I have plans to shoot real movies, but won't be realized in one or two years. I have a lot of things to learn."

"Mr. Brandt, we don't see Bella's appearance today? Is Bella an animal actor from CAA? Because as I know, she is the main lead of this film."

"She's safe in our house, Bella is our pet and we have trained them, well actually she negotiated with us so she could eat bacon for a month." Well some of them dumbfounded but the kids just laugh.

"Mr. Brandt you play yourself as Drew's husband, do you plan to marry Drew or Jodie in the future?"

"Next question."

After another weird question, the organizer decided to end the session, Al went back to the hall and received a lot of congratulation from many people.

Mary and Mrs. K came and hugged him tightly. Three of them let out a tear of happiness and Al kept saying gratitude to them.

"Thank you, Mrs. K, Mary for helping me realized my dreams." He said with a bit choked voice.

"It's all because of your effort champs, I'm really proud of you." Then Mary hugged Al again, but tighter. While she hugged him, somehow she felt so comfortable by his body heat and smell, but she quickly dispersed that thought.

The little Al who she always played with has grown into a man, now he has a wide chest and shoulders that could cover her up by just his hugs.

"I really proud of you Al, I always believe in you. Come here you little rascal!" Mrs. K pinched his cheeks and her eyes let out some tears.

"Thank you, I won't be mad even if you treat me like a child like this..... Mom." He said sincerely.

Mrs keep pinching his cheeks and can't hold her tears anymore and cried. Al then hugged her again and everyone was happy seeing their interaction.

The next day, every media let out news about Alphonse Brandt's self-directed films.

got a massive influx of audience and the festival organizer must add another 3 theatres and all of them are a full house.

"The best short film I have ever watch, from the plot, camera placement, lighting, all top-notch. A promising prodigy in the film industry." Roger Ebert from Chicago Sun.

"Reminds me of my pet who died a few months ago, this is the best film about a pet's friendship with the owner." James Watts from Washington Post.

"I can't believe it, the little boy who comes to my office offers me 4 years ago has grown into wonderful youth and has created a masterpiece." William Thomas from the Los Angeles Times.

The audience who watched his film were all amazed, he was the author of a best-selling book, an actor who got a nomination of the best-supporting actor on Oscar, A winner of best screenwriter, one of the youngest millionaires, and now, a director prodigy and one of the future candidate of best director.

Many females really waiting for Al to be legal... (wait, what!?)

One week later, Al came again to watch the winner announcement for every category.

"And the winner of the best short film, by Alphonse Brandt!!" The applause was heard from the audience.

Al came to the stage and received a Golden Hugo Awards for best short film category. He gave gratitude to his families, teachers, and friends.

This was his biggest award he got today and his next target is best short films on the Academy Awards.

After received the awards, many broadcast television networks wanted to get his permission to exclusively premiered his short film on their channel.

Al offered them a 5-year airing contract, and he won't sell the broadcast rights to other television companies in North America other than the one who win the bid.

Finally, the bid was won by American Broadcasting Company for $20 million! Seriously, even Al was shocked that his short film would worth that much.

From the budget, $150,002 for the cast, $70,000 for equipment, props, and house rent, $15,000 for food, and $20,000 for miscellaneous, the film budget is more or less $250,000.

Turned out that as long as there is Al's name on it, a lot of companies would pay a lot of money for Al to star at their films or advertisement.

His children books sold 100 million copies worldwide, his film let him became the number one child idol in the world.

It seemed Al was underestimating his fame too much. That's why Ari always cried to him that a lot of senior agents were hated him very much, he owned the gold mine and CAA can't touch it.

Many companies filed a complaint to CAA because one of their agents rejected their offers to Alphonse Brandt so that he could be starred in their films or advertisement.

He already said to Ari a long time ago that he would do things as he liked and hopes to reject all the advertisement offers.

It seemed he owed Ari an apology for making his relationship with CAA senior agents bad.

Welp, then Al used half of the film income to donate them to some orphanages, cancer treatment foundation, and animal rescue foundation.

He does not lack money currently, all of his investment brought him many times of profit. Anyway, if he needs money, he would need it in the billions.

Although he is doing the donations in secret, there's a leak by media and now Al has won much praise from the public.

Most of them believe Al was a kind man but some people said that Al was a two-faced person who only chase after fame, the media leak is just a ploy of him so he could be seen as a saint in the public's eye.

Our favorite boy didn't clarify or refuted any news about him and currently, he was doing an experiment mixing hydrogen peroxide with potassium iodide with his 4 friends.

Well, technically the chemistry teacher, Mr. Roy Mustang has just left the chemistry lab a few minutes ago so Al got an idea to make these experiments.

The problems with detention because he left school was solved. Principal William called Al and 4 others to his office and wanted to punish them by giving them a suspension of 2 weeks.

But Al got his ace cards, he slaps his face with a paper filled with the sign of all teachers of Hollywood High School that permit him a 1 week leave, soooo here they are, dodged another bullet.

"You sure it's safe, man?" Anthony said nervously.

"Of course not Tony, since when everything is safe in my hands?" He said while shaking the flask.

"For God's sake just pour it E.D.! I want to see what happens." Robin who became impatient shouted at him.

But before he poured the mixture, someone came to the chemistry lab and introduced herself.

"Greetings children, my name is Glynnda Goodwind, I am here because some of you have entered the most precious time in your life which is Puberty. Who's here had sex before rising your hands, don't be shy."

This bombshell of a lady with a husky sexy voice just walkthrough in and asking them if they had.... sex?

5 of them were speechless by this lady's courage. Wait, isn't this surprise Sex Ed that the school's curriculum gave in their memo? they all thought of it.

Then Billy raised his hands and said loudly, "Me Mrs. Goodwind, If you search for a man maybe I'm the only one available around here. All of the boys here I guarantee has a tiny wee-wee and never touch it!"

Then Billy and his gangs were laughing loudly in the lab.

"Good, because I will teach all of you about your reproduction organs, especially about your claimed big penis. Now...."

Then Mrs. Goodwind continue explaining about penises and even the things boys didn't know, it made the girls blush and boys uncomfortable, except for Billy who keeps making fun of all of them while Mrs. Goodwind explains.

"Al, what are you doing!? Why are you mixing it now?" Max said.

"I'm just teaching someone to shut their mouth." Al smiled evilly.

He mixed the substance and slide it quietly to Billy's table below.

Then a big spurt was heard, and a white substance was shot into the ceiling.

When they saw it, they found the source was from Billy's.... underparts?

Mrs. Goodwind who was using eggplant to demonstrate how men were pleased was shocked and said, "Well I just explain to you how to do it doesn't mean you must be done it now! By the way, that kind of burst is unnatural, maybe you should go check to doctor, boy."

The class was laughing at Billy and he with his gangs escaped to the toilets.

"Nice Ed, I don't know that mixture could do that," Ione said.

"Well, that's why we need to learn about chemistry in our life." 5 of them laugh and keep hearing Mrs. Goodwin's next explanation about female reproduction organs.

After school finished, as usual, they were hanging out in the mall like playing arcade or eat at Burger King.

But when they were having a walk, they bumped up with someone that looked the same as their age walking blankly and fell.

Al helped him to stand and said, "Hey you okay man?"

"Yes I'm sorry for bumping you, I'm not in my right mind this time, so I'm a bit spaced out." The man said.

"It's okay man, everyone has their own problems, look we want to get some ice creams, do you want to come with us as an apology for making you fall?" Al said.

"Thank you really, I'm afraid your friend would be uncomfortable having me around."

"Nonsense, we would like more people to join us, dude," Anthony said and the rest of them also voiced their approval.

"Oh, by the way, we forget to introduce ourselves, my name is Edward, this is Ione, Max, Anthony, and Robin. But don't call Robin name casually right now she's shy with strangers." And it earned a stomp in his foot by Robin.

"It's also nice to meet you, all of you seems a nice people, BTW my name is River, River Phoenix." He said with a smile, different from his haggard face before.

To Be Continued...