Chp 58 : Who's Dat Gurl?

Part 2 for Holiday Updates

The next update is TBD, cuz it's holiday time everyone, go out play with snow or rain or sun but keep wearing mask and beware COVID-19, my Government tried to monetize the test kit by forcing us to do it with our own money every time we travel, so it sucked...

Happy Reading Everyone!!


Al strummed the guitar string and began to play the 'I Lived' intro.

The people who knew 'I Lived' song were screaming, almost 60% of them knew this song, of course, it had been played over and over again, all over the States and took the spot of the top 10 Billboards.

When Al sang the verse, everyone was singing along with him, the JFK Stadium was rocked by him, while the British audience was confused seeing their music lover companion across the sea doing it.

Even the British musicians were made speechless by Al's fans in the US. Princess Diana in the VIP room was watching him singing with a smile.

"I SWEAR I LIVED!!" JFK Stadium screamed when the song entered the last chorus.

Although his performance unable to reach The Queen's level, but with at least 10,000 more audience than in London, and their enthusiasm when singing along was almost to be able to reach that level.

Al finished singing I Lived, he looked so exhausted with only singing one song, he felt the pressure of performing in concert was so different than in the Academy Awards.

It was more tiring than he thought, he put the mic closer to his mouth and said, "Hello everyone, Marty McFly here..." Before he finished his words, the audience screamed again.

Al smiled and let the sound calmed down, "Yeah, you know the year of 2020 was so bad, there's pandemic there, so I borrowed Doc time machine and go back to this time when the most amazing rock concert ever held, and everyone in this concert and home... you are all so breathtaking!!" He pointed his forefingers to all of them.

Everyone screamed again and some laughed at his reference of movies and people who didn't watch the film felt they wanted to watch it in the theatre tomorrow, so they won't be left out by everyone.

"Okay, for the next song, this is my new song. I'm sorry everyone can't sing along with me, but I hoped this will be a good one and won't be a disappointment for all of you."

Al played the guitar again and the band followed his lead.

Paul McCartney listened to this melody, suddenly he felt so nostalgic. His attention fully focused on Alphonse on the TV screen.

The audience at the JFK Stadium waved their hands following the song's melody. While the British people sensed a familiarity with this song and followed the US audience, waving their hands.

[Slip inside the eye of your mind]

[Don't you know you might find]

[A better place to play]

[You said that you'd never been]

[But all the things that you've seen]

[Slowly fade away]

[So I start a revolution from my bed]

['Cause you said the brains I had gone to my head]

[Step outside, summertime's in bloom]

[Stand up beside the fireplace]

[Take that look from off your face]

[You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out]

[And so Sally can wait]

[She knows it's too late]

[As we're walking on by]

[Her soul slides away]

[But don't look back in anger]

[I heard you say]

(Tribute to Oasis, Don't Look Back In Anger)

No wonder Paul McCartney and the British felt familiar. This is The Beatles! But much more simpler, and the one thing that made them covered their face in shame was that it was played by Americans.

They wanted to be mad, but they couldn't. Music is the way for someone to connect people, didn't matter where are you come from, which race are you, or how old are you, that was what John Lennon visioned.

So the people of Wembley Stadium swallowed their pride and moved along with the song. Besides, when they heard the lyrics, 'Don't Look Back In Anger'; it also affected them.

At the JFK Stadium, after the audience familiar with repeated and easy to remember the chorus, they were also singing along with him.

They felt Al's song was so matched with them; although everyone caught different meaning with 'don't look back in anger' but they felt that this lyric motivated them.

[And so Sally can wait]

[She knows it's too late]

[As she's walking on by]

[My soul slides away]

[But don't look back in anger]

[I heard you say]

[At least not today]

He finished the song with exhaustion, he looked at the audience and wanted to see their reaction to the song.

Is it bad? Or is it too ahead of its time? He felt down when he saw the audience stared at him with complicated looks.

'Fail? Man, this will be so cringed..' But his thought was interrupted by cheers of the hundred thousand people who were calling his name.

"Marty McFly!!"

"Al, I love you!!"

"Ghost boy look here!!"

"Alien boy, you are so awesome!!"

Al released a massive amount of air from his lungs, smiled at the audience, and bowed to them. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and feeling the euphoria of the attention of a thousand people calling his name.

He opened his eyes again and said gratitude to them and a few words as a good-bye.

He went backstage and came into the resting room that the organizer provided.

On the way there, he was congratulated by an uncountable of people.

As for the British side, they had a mixed reaction and almost fought each other.

Some said that he would bring The Beatles music era back, but opposed by the one who thinks that let British Men had their songs, not American.

But some people didn't care as long as this boy revived The Beatles music, they didn't care where the hell this boy was coming from.

So the whole of Britain Islanders conflicted with each other because of Al. Well, they must adapt to this because, in the future, he will be done a lot of it.

Al wore his disguise back and went to the audience stands to find his friends. When he saw the crowd wanted to meet him backstage, he wrote on a piece of paper and put it on his table, and escaped from there. The paper was written 'Bathroom break, maybe back in an hour(s)'

It was hard to find his friend in this crowd, but fortunately, he already marked the spot to gather the member in case someone was missing.

Finally, he met with his friend and they congratulated him, also River and Keanu had an urged to form their own band and going to rock n' roll!

They watched the concert until the climax on the US sides, singing 'We Are The World', but what Al heard was like karaoke for drunk people because every musician that performed today was all there on the stage singing together in disharmony, oh how he wished MJ was here to deliver the final performance.

But everyone didn't care, him too, as long as everyone could singing together, whether the voice was bad or good, they release their pressure today on this legendary stage.

Finally, the concert was over, he can't wait what will the headlines for tomorrow news be.


"Youngest Performer Stole the Stage" by Peter Butler of LA Times.

The article was read as follows,

"Alphonse Brandt, the boy wonder who stole the Americans hearts with his performance on , proved us that not only he was talented in acting and directing, but also singing and playing music.

We could see that from yesterday's performance in the Live Aid Concert, he was able to become the center of attention after his duet performance with Madonna, who was also having a breakthrough in her music career.

We know that 'I Lived' was able to steal the top 10 Billboard's music spot, and thought that this must be his one-hit-wonder song; wrong, we are so wrong about this, with the two new songs he wrote himself (Which happened that I caught him off guard in the audience stands and had a little interview with him), he was able to show us that he also is a talented musician.

'Shallow' and 'Don't Look Back in Anger', his two songs that performed at the concert yesterday was able to steal the limelight of the US side concert.

Yes there was also another performance that favorable for each person, but admit it; He was in the limelight at yesterday's concert as the youngest musician that appeared there.

What also made me excited was the headlines in British Media that talked about Al, as the successor of The Beatles, it caused controversy in the whole UK. We won't know for sure but I hope he will continue to produce a masterpiece to be enjoyed by everyone.

But there was one question I really wanted to ask when I was accidentally bumped into him but wasn't able to due to time. Al, who is Sally?"

At the orphanage, everyone was gathered here, from the orphanage tenants, Al's friend, Steven, and Amy, and also Jodie Foster.

Mary was reading LA Times turned to him and said, "Okay Al, be truthful to me, Who is this girl you mentioned in your songs?"

Everyone gave Al a teasing smile, Al rolled his eyes, gave them the white eyes, and shrugged.

To Be Continued...

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