Chp 76 : London?

Okay, first of all, is this my birthday? Because I got 2 new patrons here and one of them have become the Executive Producer of this book, thank you Oli.

And our new producer who support this novel is Chris!!

Stay tuned for bonus chapter on Friday,

Enjoy the smell of love in the air!!



He finally awoke from his slumber after he heard the stewardess announced that the plane would soon be landing. He was instructed to buckle up his seatbelt and straighten his seat.

The flight had been really taxing on him, not because of the 10 hours long flight from LA to London, but because of his "companions".

They took the noon flight from Los Angeles Airport and would be arrived in the next morning at the Heathrow Airport. LA and London had an 8 hour time differences, much to his love for time zones.

The "They" he mentioned were him, Jessie, Mary, and Jodie; yes, that Jodie Foster. She was also invited by Her Majesty commands, her words.

A sigh escape again from his mouth and he turned his vision to the scenery of the Big Smoke City.

He started to recall when the flight began to get so tiring. It was when they just boarded the flight.

Jessie was seated beside him while Mary and Jodie took a seat in front of them. Of course, as a generous person, he asked Jessie to book them a first-class ticket so their journey would be relaxing... or that was what he thought would happen.

Mary had another job besides coming here as his partner. This is a good time for Muspelheim to expand its distribution channel outside North America.

If they could make a deal with England and also France, the film distribution in entire Europe will be a piece of cake.

So after England, they planned to visit the beautiful city of Paris again.

As for this New Year's Eve Royal Banquet, he never heard that there was this annual event being held or maybe his prestige was not high to know if there was a secret party.

Mary and Jodie, who have been rekindled their relationship again were closer than before, and they didn't close their bickering and gossips since the Christmas Party.

So after the aircraft started to cruise, he took out a paper and pen and planned to finish 3 scripts he was planning to shoot with the same theme, about love.

He was just finished the first script and was getting ready for the second one.

Without consent, a hand suddenly extended to where the first script being placed and successfully stole it.

He knew whose hand was it so he let her have her way with it, as she was one of the people he would permit to see it.

"Your handwriting is really good. Are you sure you are not a girl?" Jessie said.

"You already saw my thing when I was a little kid Jessie, so don't deny it."

She laughed reminiscing it, "What a cute Annie, only she was the one who could pull your pants out. She's my favorite."

"Because she is the only one who has an attitude like you are." He said without glancing at her.

Hours passed with him having spent so much time doing this script, suddenly someone pushed the script that Jessie stole to his face.

'Who dares!?' His anger stopped after he saw the person who did it was Mary, with her standing with her knee from her seat.

There's also 2 pair of eyes watching the interaction between this siblings.

"Don't know if I should mad or pity you. You have some unrequited love somewhere Al? Let Big Sis help you. But making sure you settled things out with Ione and Gwen first, they are nice girls." Mary said with worry slipped on her voice.

"What are you talking about... Oh, you read the script." Mary nodded.

"It was just a fiction I had in mind Mary, and things with Ione and Gwen are... complicated."

What he said earned a death glare from all women. Another hour passed with him explaining things between him and those girls.

Al has become a topic of gossip with girls since the Christmas Party. Playboy title was stuck with him like a badge, of course, he didn't try to justify what he was doing.

He was in the wrong and could only apologize to those girls and maybe let time work its magic.

10 hours ride was a long time, but he felt it was like an all-day flight because of the hostility these girls gave, so he stopped working and decided to sleep, whether pretending or real thing; all the way to London.

They finally landed at Heathrow Airport.

Mary, Jodie, and Jessie decided to go directly to the hotel and resetting their biology clock because of jet lag.

For him, he felt he wanted to wander around London first, finishing his 2nd script which almost complete.

He bid his farewell for those girls. Jessie then gave him 3 layers of a winter coat and warned him to always hide his appearance.

Won't know if there was a crazy paparazzi out there, England is the birthplace of them.

He waited at one of the long chairs in the airport and on his hands was a map of London City. He put his scripts above the backpack beside him.

After marked some of his destination with a pen, he traveled his hands to the place he put his scripts and backpack but found out that it was replaced with a book.

'Pride and Prejudice' by Jane Austin was written on the front cover of the book. While his script was being read by a young woman who also wore heavy winter cloth-like him.

On her lap was his other script and she was reading his script with her passionate eyes hiding behind glasses.

In turn, he read her book, and within the first page when he opened the book, he saw the name of the owner, "Minnie" with a heart drawing below the name.

He was forced into reading the novel while waiting for her to finish reading the script.

An hour passed and he heard her a longing sigh came from her mouth.

"Finished reading it Minnie?"

"Huh?" She looked at the person beside her and a blush crept into her face.

"You like it Minne?" He asked again. 'American?' She thought after hearing his accent.

"My name is not..." She paused, "That was my nickname, and the person who can use it is my closest ones." She answered with her British accent which quite pleasing to his ears.

"Well, since you have mine, and I have yours, so it can be considered we're quite close." He pointed at his script and waved at her book in his hand.

Her face reddened in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to read it but it caught my attention, so I couldn't help it."

"Which one do you like? Oh, pardon my rudeness, I go by the name of Edward." He saluted with a British accent and gentlemen manner.

"You know, that was offending right?" She squinted her eyes.

He gave her a teasing smile, "I knew, but that's not important. What do you think of those 2 scripts? Give me your truthful opinion."

She looked at the 2 scripts in her hands, "I love the second ones, the first one gave me an uneasy feeling though if I hear the music, I maybe change my mind,"

She smiled sweetly at his direction, "I like how sweet it is on the second ones, but I think it's not finished yet, will they meet again in 6 months?" She eagerly wanted to know.

"For you my dear, I give you a hint they will meet more than 10 years later."

"That long!" Her cheeks were cutely inflated when she heard the numbers.

He took another look at her again, she had a quite cute appearance. Her brunnete soft hair was cut into chin-length, no bangs were covering her forehead, her skin was pale and white like porcelain.

She had hazel eyes that could stare back at his soul, even behind those frames. Her nose was a bit larger than girls he saw but it looks beautiful on her and those lips he could stare at, forever.

While he was checking her out, she also sneakily take a peek at his appearance, his hair was dark black like a midnight sky. Symmetrical long face as if been crafted like Greek statues, though if not because of those thick rounded glasses, she could catch more of his appearance.

She bit her lower lip because he kept looking at her with his ethereal glowing amber eyes. It was as if she was gazing at the sunset in Santorini Beach she visited months ago.

She decided to get his attention back by faking a cough. It worked as his face redden and immediately gave her an awkward smile.

"Are you a screenwriter? How old are you? You look so young!" Rapidly she was asking the question.

"You can call me that, but more like a pseudo-screenwriter. I'm sixteen next year by the way. How about you Missus Minnie?"

"It's rude for men asking girl's age, but for you who gave me a chance to read those scripts, I'm also sixteen next year." She smiled sweetly at him.

"What made you interested in my script Minnie? 'Till you ignored this masterpiece." He said as he waved her novel at her face.

"I've read those dozen times, and I'm a bit bored. Fortunately, I found an interesting title written on those scripts and something whispered to my ears and made me read it. It brought me here, having a nice chat with a good-looking gentleman." She teasingly smiled.

"Here I thought only French women dare to compliment a man."

"It seemed you are underestimating British woman too much Mr. Edward. My turn then, what brought you over here Edward?"

He showed her the map he was holding, "I want to explore the city of London, maybe relax myself a bit before I finish my third script."

She bit her lower lip again, maybe this was a habit of her when she got a little nervous. 'Also made her look cuter than before.' He thought.

"What if, this is if Mr. Edward; If I accompany you to explore this city. I was born in this lovely city, and I consider myself a decent companion."

Al took a long time to register what happened. Did this cute girl just throw herself at him? Since when it was so easy to let a girl accompany a stranger?

Those millennials and Gen Z girls in the future seemed to be harder to pursue.

Who was he to judge, maybe she was attracted to him or maybe she just wanted to befriend him. He took a time to think before giving her the answer.

It has been a while since she gave him a suggestion and now she was quite anxious to hear his answer, 'Wait, why am I anxious?'

After a million thoughts slipped into his mind he finally decided on something but, "First, why do you want to do this? What if I'm a stranger who wanted to kidnap you and sell your organ in the black market or maybe sell you to prostitution."

His question made her scared stiff. But then she regained her confidence believing that he was just testing her.

"That's why I asked your age first." Then she showed him the script titled on the front page, "After I read this, I suddenly want to experience it, and I suddenly thought that maybe as the screenwriter, you are the perfect guy!" She smiled fondly while holding the script.

He suddenly has to reconsider before he wanted to shoot that film. If he could make this naive girl believed everything written on the script, what will happen to the other naive girls out there?

"I know that face!" She suddenly said while pointing at his face, "You must be thought that I was just a naive girl who only thought about rainbows and butterflies, but I am not Mr. Edward." She scolded him.

He was amused at her sudden outburst and asked her again, "Are you sure? What if this was a bad idea? Don't you have something else to do?"

"Please Mr. Edward, I beg you. I know of London, and I have nothing else to do until New Year." She pursed her lips and let a puppy-dog face came out.

He couldn't resist facing those moves, his training to fight it always ended up in failure.

He finally sighed and relented, "Okay, just this once, and only because you want to experience what happened on this script."

Her face got excited, "Thank you, Mr. Edward."

"Just call me Ed from now, Ms. Tour Guide." He smiled, but before he wanted to explain further, she pulled his hand and dragged him out off the Heathrow Airport.

"Let's go!" She beamed with excitement.

'This will be a long day. If I remember, I didn't ask her last name, although I also didn't give her my real name. Oh right, as if that important now.' He mused.

To Be Continued in Part 2

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Special thanks to my Patrons;

Executive Producer, Oli Wieszun (Oli)

Produced by:




Chris Alexander (Chris)

Directed by:
