Chp 85 : Moon Land?

28th January 1986.

As they were driving past through Hertfordshire, a Northwestern part of London, the scenery suddenly changed from a noise-crowded industrial city to a countryside view where oak trees were lining up, greeted their presence.

Finally, after one hour drive, they arrived in front of a big white manor house.

Al saw there was a courtyard with garaging and flat, two coach house cottages with a stable yard with paddock and woodland. He could also see corn farms and some buildings that were used as a stock house.

Agitation was withdrawn from the string of his heartbeat as the serenity took over him.

The contrast environment from the big city he felt since he was born made him realized that he also needed a rural place like this as his resting place.

He added a farm and peaceful place in the US as the list of things he must buy when he had more money.

"Welcome to Childwickbury Manor, Al! How is it?"

"It's so peaceful, it's been a while since I felt so... serene. I'm sure I can write 5 books a year if I live here."

"Well, you can visit this place anytime with me. Come on, my mother is waiting for us." Vi pulled his arms and dragged him inside the manor.

"Wait Vi, my baggage!"

"I'll ask this house caretaker to take care of it."

As they entered the manor, they were greeted by a lady with a floral pattern blouse.

"Mom! I'm home."

"Good afternoon, Christiane sorry for bothering you." He waved his hand to Christiane, Vi's mother.

"You're not a bother at all, Al. Did you already have lunch yet, dear?"

"Not yet, Christiane, Vi dragged me here once I finished my military drill."

"Typical Vivian, come with me, you must be miss how homemade food tastes like."

"You bet I do, Christiane. All I have eaten was just canned food or insects" Hearing what Al just said, Vi and her mother's face turned green.

Before Vi could comment about his disgusting experiences, a middle-aged man with a lush shirt and brown worker pants came from the front door, carrying his baggage.

He said that he would bring these bags to Al's temporary room which Vi only gave a nod to him.

"That's Rudy, a caretaker of this manor and farm," Al gave a polite nod at him which was replied by a grunt which confused Al.

Al then was brought into a big dining room with a long dining table and few chairs that could be seen in Victorian-era films dining room.

They were having a simple lunch until they heard someone was coming. Turned out it was Stanley who just came and joined them for lunch but didn't forget to greet Al with a slap to his back, hard ones by the way. Looked like he was still pissed at how his daughter chose Al over him.

Stanley also told them that he was done his preparation in turning a few spots in London to make the scenes almost looked like the actual place.

Such as turning the Isle of dogs into a miniature Da Nang, a city of Vietnam, and Beckton Gasworks for Hue Ruin Battleground in .

The truth is Al was excited to be part of this film. And if he could impress him, the empty slot for his assistant director could be his to take.

Private Cowboy didn't have many scenes so he was sure the part-time job won't disturb his acting performance.

The filming itself would take at least half a year to be finished or even more, knowing that how Stanley Kubrick watched the details on every one of his films.

Al remembered Shelley Duvall, who played Wendy in that made into a Guinness Book of Record because they took 127 takes to finish that scene alone.

As they have finished their lunch, Stanley told Al to follow him to his study room. Vi was also interested in how their next conversation would be, so she also followed behind them.

As they have arrived in his study room, a simple room with a mahogany table and a simple boss chair behind the table. A 2 chair was in front of it and there was a comfortable sofa at the corner of the room.

Behind the table was a bookshelf, filled with novels and manuscripts.

Stanley sat in the boss chair and gestured him to sit in front of him.

"Well, Al, there's something you want to say right?" He asked and the room suddenly turned cold.

He was like a college professor who was evaluating his student's thesis presentation. Any normal men would cower in fear, but not Al.

"Yes, I want your daughter's hand in marriage." He said with a serious tone.


"WHAT!?" Stanley was surprised at what Al said but more surprised to hear that his daughter was screaming YES.

Stanley felt like his blood boiled, then suddenly dropped to a freezing point, then suddenly rose again like volcanic eruptions then it was repeated on and on again.

Al just watching a spectacular scene of a man who could change his expression in a matter of seconds. A few seconds passed and he started to worry that his joke went too far.

As for Vi, she knew he was joking with her father but hearing Al said that also made her a bit happy, though she wished that Al was really meant about what he said.

"Stanley? Are you okay? I'm just joking you know?" Al smiled awkwardly.

"What? Of course, I know you are joking." He laughed it all loud but forced. "I know when you youngsters are joking, even if you are serious, not in a hundred years I'll give you my blessing! No way I will hand Vivian an immature brat like yourself."

Al was just nodded in agreement while Vi was pouting in disappointment.

The situation immediately defused from a dangerous area to a safe zone as Stanley began to interview Al about his qualification and abilities for becoming his assistant.

Al confessed that although he has directed 1 short film and 1 simple film, he lacked the qualification to be on par with other normal experienced directors.

The memories he received were that he was just a graduated director from USC who didn't get a chance to finish his film before he died from cancer.

But what his advantages were his knowledge in filming, whether from the past or the future.

Al spent his time convincing Stanley that he was the right guy to be his assistant and finally, he got the job with a $1 contract.

So began the tutoring relationship between him and Stanley. Al was happy in this life.

He was the person who was being taught by Stanley Kubrick and Steven Spielberg directly.

Experience! It was all he lacked and needed after the long discussion with Stanley. Stanley knew he was so knowledgeable in filming but he only needed practice.

Stanley admitted that Al was a diamond that only needs to be polished, he got so much potential to be the greater director than him, or anybody else.

As their discussion went on, they didn't realize that the sun has set a few minutes ago and Vi who accompanied them has been sleeping on the sofa.

Soon, Christiane came over to his study and told them that the dinner was ready.

Al decided to wake Vi up. Turned out she has been sleeping since they talked about boring stuff and fell asleep.

As they were having dinner, bad news suddenly occurred when they were watching TV.

The news was about the failed launch of Space Shuttles Challenger. The rocket exploded 73 seconds after its flight.

All seven crews died in accidents including a school teacher, who should be the first private citizen who went to space.

Black clouds enveloped the hearts of the American people, including him. Al was an American through and through, though he didn't like football, he was born and raised there.

It brought him another unanswered question, the unsolvable ones he had on his predecessor's memories. Especially the question designated to his new mentor.

"Stanley, did men have landed on the moon?"

"What makes you said that? Of course, they are, you could see those on national news." Stanley's demeanor changed instantly, becoming tenser.

"They say they've landed on the moon in the year 1969 but I realized that <2001:Space Oddyssey> was just released in the year 1968."

Stanley stopped eating his food, also his wife's and daughter's eyes turned in his direction in curiosity.

Then Al continued, "I heard some people said that they were fake and you helped them procrastinated it." He paused to see Stanley's reaction that told him to continue.

"Well, there were 2 theories that circulate, first it was real, a genuine video. Second, it was all fake and you helped them to create the fake moon landing." He paused again.

"But I have my own theory. the one I predicted is, they really landed on the moon but somehow the video is broken on their way here and they need to recreate it with your help." Al thought that his theory satisfied Stanley because he saw him smirked at him.

Then he said, "I know you are smart Al, but not this damned smart. Unfortunately, I can't tell you Al, a government secret but I'll just say you are good."

Christiane and Vi gasped, they never knew that Stanley was the one who made the video for the fake moon landing. This was shocking news for them.

"Dear, Vivi, I hope you won't tell this news to everyone else. Hearing this already endangered all of you. If a regular person saying this, they are only treated as a passing fart, but if you both said this in publicity, they would track it down to me and make yourself in danger. You too, Al, I hope you don't spread it."

"Cross my heart, Stanley."

After they finished the dinner, Al was granted permission to Stanley's study with Vi following him.

Stanley and Christiane went back to their room to consummate their nightly activity, rest.

In the study room, Al and Vivian suddenly became trash pandas. They were ransacking the room to find anything interesting, maybe proof that Stanley did create the fake moon landing video.

But he found something else that was as valuable as that. "Wow, I can't believe I'm seeing this. This thing is forbidden in the US and only can be found in the black market."

"What'd you find Al?" Vivian peeked through his shoulder and suddenly cringed.

She looked at Al who was smiling in happiness while holding a VHS tape titled , directed by Stanley Kubrick in 1962.

It tells about the controversial tale of forbidden love on the screen. Humbert Humbert was played by James Mason professor who relocates to an American suburb, renting a room from lonely widow Charlotte Haze played by Shelley Winters. 

Humbert marries Charlotte, but only to nurture his obsession with her comely teenage daughter, Lolita who was played by Sue Lyon who was currently 14 years old when she played in this film.

Vi suddenly threatened. She thought that what if Al only liked younger girls? But he did say Jodie Foster was his crush. She felt conflicted at this but afraid to ask him.

So, she just asked, "Do you like this film, Al?"

"It's not that I like it, but this one is the film by your father that really hard to find in the US, and I'm afraid to be called a creep if I'm asking this to your father." He said with his face reddened.

"Why? It's normal right? You're still 15, and seeing a 14-year-old girl doesn't make you a creep."

"No, it's not that... just forget it." He can't really explain to her that he also had a mentality of a man in the early 30.

Vivian still probed for an answer and made him uncomfortable. The plan to watch this film was suddenly gone. He just wanted to escape her as soon as possible.

"I'll go back to my room and rest." He ran. She chase. Vi also did not forget to grab the VHS Lolita.

"Hey! You didn't answer my question! You clearly hide something from me involving this film, Al!"

Vi still did not get the thing Al hid from her but she managed to force him to watch with her. Maybe he would let down his guard and tell her.

Unfortunately, Al guarded his secret like a Fafnir guarding his treasure vault.

After finished watching the film with her, Al called it out a night and ran away back to his room. He needed to chase the morning flight to the USA, he already missed his family.

The next morning, Al woke up with bloodshot eyes. He couldn't sleep at all that night and he can't complain to anyone.

Why? It's because Vi sneaked to his room and snuggled with him and if Stanley knew it, he would hang him like a scarecrow in the cornfield.

To Be Continued...

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Executive Producer: Oli

Produced by:





vegard larsson

Directed by:
